The saying that God works in mysterious ways is a serious understatement.
In a sermon message, prophetic voice Jonathan Cahn discussed how God gives us surprise blessings that we, in our human understanding, know nothing about. This is something Cahn himself discovered when he first became connected with what would someday be his calling.
After getting connected with a Messianic congregation near his place of work, Cahn met a man named Gary Selman who he became close to. Selman eventually asked if Cahn would help him when he went to start another congregation, Beth Israel. Cahn agreed to help, but reminded Selman that he was called to go into full time ministry someday. However, Cahn never expected that one day Selman would ask him to take over the church.
“The answers in our life are often right there. We don’t see them,” Cahn says.
This unexpected twist to take over the ministry that was placed in Cahn’s path is just one example of the many miracles that stumble upon us each day.
Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” God does things in ways so much greater than what any of us can expect because He knows all and sees all.
“Even in troubles, persecution or problems in your life, [it] doesn’t change in any form the promises of God,” Cahn says.
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God uses our various circumstances and daily life to let Himself and His glory be made known throughout the world.
Cahn believes that when we walk out into the unknown with the Lord, we will experience greater joy and intimacy with Jesus. However, we must be open to change if we want to see God move mountains and bring His blessings.
“You also have to be open to change because newness produces change,” Cahn says.
Just as God’s blessings can be unexpected, it is necessary for Christians to move in whatever direction He leads us toward.
To pre-order Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, “The Dragon’s Prophecy,” visit
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Abby Trivett is a content development editor for Charisma Media.
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