
BREAKING: Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons arrested outside Toronto abortion mill for second time in 2 weeks – LifeSite

TORONTO, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons could face jail time after being arrested again for defending the unborn at the notorious Morgentaler abortion clinic in Toronto.  

Today, June 6, Toronto police arrested Gibbons for returning to the infamous Morgentaler abortion clinic, just two weeks after she was arrested at the same clinic for defending the unborn.  

In brief comments sent to LifeSiteNews, Gibbons’ friend John Bulsza wrote, “Linda was onsite at 727 Hillsdale Avenue in Toronto’s upscale Leaside neighborhood, Toronto’s notorious Morgentaler abortion clinic, witnessing this Tuesday, and Wednesday, but the police did not arrest her. Police warned her on Tuesday, but left her be. On Wednesday, they were called but did not show up.”

“Today, police were called to the same abortion mill, and she was later arrested at noon local time and is now in Toronto’s precinct 53,” he added.

In addition to her witness this week, Gibbons successfully spent several hours witnessing outside the abortion mill last week without arrest. According to Campaign Life’s Pete Baklinski, Gibbons spent two days holding a sign in late May reading “Why Mom? When I have so much love to give” and praying silently.

The clinic is one of many started by, or named after, Canada’s most notorious abortionist, Henry Morgentaler. 

This is the second time within weeks that Gibbons has been arrested for her pro-life ministry. The first occurred in the morning of May 23 when the heroine was arrested by Toronto Police after witnessing for three hours outside Toronto abortion center. 

Gibbons was released on Monday, May 27, after appearing at a bail hearing via video conference.   

Just four days after her release, Gibbons returned to the abortion mill to continue her pro-life ministry. 

Reacting to the news that Gibbons was going to continue witnessing in front of the clinic despite the May 23 arrest, Campaign Life Coalition’s Pete Baklinski posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, last week that “Linda will certainly be arrested.”

“But this time she won’t get off so easy,” he warned. “This time, she faces going to jail.” 

RELATED: Canadian pro-lifer Linda Gibbons to be released from jail following last week’s arrest

Gibbon’s ministry to babies and mothers is illegal in Canada, thanks to Ontario’s Safe Access to Abortion Services Act. This law came into effect on February 1, 2018, having been passed the year before by then-Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government.  

The law bans any pro-life activity, including praying, sidewalk counseling, and showing “disapproval” of abortion, within 50 meters of Ontario’s eight abortion facilities.   

While the law was implemented by Liberals, the long-reigning Progressive Conservative government of Doug Ford has never challenged the law.   

Previous to her earlier arrest this month, Gibbons was last taken into cusotody in September, 2015, after conducting a similar silent protest in front of the Morgentaler abortion clinic.   

After spending some 141 days in jail, she was convicted in 2016 by an Ontario judge of breaking a 1999 civil injunction that bans pro-life activities within 500 feet of Toronto’s Morgentaler abortion facility. This injunction was later superseded by Ontario’s Safe Access to Abortion Services Act. Gibbons was released from jail after her conviction.   

In total, Gibbons’ pro-life activism has resulted in her spending almost 11 years in jail for her peaceful witness to mothers and unborn children.    

RELATED: Linda Gibbons refuses bail conditions, remains in prison pending March 31 court date

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