
1500+ Catholics call on University of Notre Dame to rescind award given to pro-abortion Joe Biden – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Over 1500 Catholics are calling on Notre Dame University to rescind the Laetare Medal given to U.S. President Joe Biden in 2016 considering his fervent support for abortion in direct violation of Church teaching. 

Currently, over fifteen hundred alumni and friends of Notre Dame Catholic University have signed a letter appealing to the university to withdraw the 2016 Laetare Medal awarded to then-Vice President Joe Biden. 

“Despite personally identifying as a practicing Catholic, President Biden has become the Church’s most prominent, powerful, and ardent adversary on abortion,” Timothy Dempsey, Executive Director and Charter Board Member of Sycamore Trust, a group dedicated to protecting Notre Dame’s Catholic identity, told LifeSiteNews.  

The letter is addressed to Father John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Notre Dame’s 17th president who just stepped down from his position. It was under Jenkin’s administration that the award was given to Biden. 

The appeal is also copied to Father Robert A. Dowd, C.S.C., his successor, and the current Board of Trustees Chairman, John J. Brennan.  

“During Father Jenkins’s tenure, honors previously granted to Theodore McCarrick, Bill Cosby, and Jean Vanier were revoked to preserve the integrity of the awards and protect the University’s reputation,” Dempsey explained.  

“The case for rescinding President Biden’s Laetare Medal is even more compelling, given his relentless pursuit of policies that promote abortion and violate the dignity of human life,” he argued.   

According to Notre Dame, the Laetare Medal is given to a Catholic “whose genius has ennobled the arts and sciences, illustrated the ideals of the Church and enriched the heritage of humanity.”  

The medal bears the Latin inscription: “Magna est veritas et praevalebit,” which translates to “Truth is mighty, and it shall prevail.” 

Despite being a self-proclaimed Catholic, Biden is openly opposed to Catholic doctrine on a number of issues, including abortion and LGBT ideology.

In his 2024 State of the Union address, Biden promised, “If Americans send me a Congress that supports the right to choose, I promise you, I will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land again!”  

Similarly, a recent report by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, one of the nation’s preeminent pro-life organizations, detailed that Biden is currently running the “Most Pro-Abortion Administration Ever.”  

According to the report, Biden’s pro-abortion policies included forcing American taxpayers to fund abortions both at home and oversea, suppressing pro-life Americans, coercing pro-life medical personnel into participating in abortion, and appointing the most pro-abortion cabinet in U.S. history. 

Additionally, Biden worked to change foundational American institutions to expand abortion. Finally, and perhaps most infamously, Biden weaponized the Department of Justice (DOJ) against pro-lifers, as evidenced by the recent imprisoning of a number of activists in Washington D.C. 

“If this petition is unanswered and President Biden retains the Laetare Medal, the clear message to American Catholics will be that the nation’s most prominent Catholic university is untroubled by President Biden’s pro-abortion campaign,” the letter argues.  

“Recission, on the other hand, would signal Notre Dame’s unashamed dedication to the sanctity of life and its acknowledgement that, accordingly, honors awarded the nation’s foremost abortion champion should not stand,” it concludes.  

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