
Report Finds Less Than 5% of Abortions Due to Rape, Incest – American Faith

A report from the pro-life organization Charlotte Lozier Institute found that less than 5% of abortions occurring in the United States are related to commonly-held arguments such as rape, incest, or medical emergencies.

The institute analyzed data from eight states that collected abortion data from 2021, the year before the Dobbs decision.

According to the data, “common exceptions to abortion limits are estimated to account for less than 5% of all abortions.”

The total number of abortions assessed was 123,000.

Rape and incest accounted for less than 1% of abortions (0.4%).

Abortions due to a “risk to the woman’s life” were also less than 1% (0.3%).

Two percent of the abortions assessed by the institute were had due to other health concerns, while 1.2% of abortions were had out of an “abnormality” in the baby.

The majority of the abortions (95.9%) were had due to “elective and unspecified reasons.”

While some of the data may be underestimated, as each state has different reporting systems, some of the data may also be overestimated, as one abortion may have been performed due to more than one of the listed reasons.

“However, in Florida, which allows only one reason for each abortion and requires an abortion provider to list a reason before the abortion report form can be submitted,” the institute noted, “abortions for reasons that correspond to common exceptions accounted for less than 3% of the total in 2021.”

Interestingly, abortion provider Planned Parenthood performed more abortions in 2021 and 2022 despite having fewer patients.

In 2022, Planned Parenthood had 2.05 million patients, according to the report, a decrease of 80,000 people from the previous year. Although they had fewer patients, Planned Parenthood performed 392,715 abortions between 2021-2022, an “increase of over 18,000 (5%) from the previous year,” the report noted.

The number is an increase of 20% from the last 10 years.

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