
Don’t Miss-Election Heroes You Need to Know About – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

November is fast approaching, along with a crucial presidential election that will have a huge effect on our nation’s future. How can we stand in the gap as intercessors to protect it at such a critical time for America?

Visit your state page to pray.

Yesterday’s First Friday webcast was packed with important intercessory intel. IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal sat down with Patriot Mobile CMO Scott Coburn to discuss our nation’s spiritual and cultural state.

Following his interview with Coburn, Dave talked with Doug Logan, the former CEO of Cyber Ninjas. Logan, who had previously audited the 2020 election in a few key states, shared his findings and his perspective on the security of our elections.

During the broadcast, Logan also discussed the cost of his findings. He described how he and his family have been targeted since completing the audits and the financial and personal cost of pursuing justice and truth. Nevertheless, he shared his story with a smile on his face from start to finish, demonstrating his powerful faith in God.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, explained the new strategies that will play into the 2024 election.

Finally, Dave ended the webcast by unveiling a new way that YOU can impact the election! By visiting, you can pray for low-propensity voters to turn the tide in November.

You can watch June’s First Friday webcast, as well as the uncut interview with Catherine Engelbrecht below it:

At such a crucial time for our nation, prayer is more important than ever before. Share your prayers for America below!

(Photo Credit: Hill Street Studios/Getty Images)

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