
Pride Month Victory in Montana – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of our intercessors, who lives in the Helena capitol area, alerted the group that two pride flags had been hung up in the Capitol rotunda the day after the Primary election in Montana (June 5).  She encouraged us to pray and call the governor’s office to express our disapproval.

Many of us called and did this. I personally called to inquire about whether this was true and to ask how this was approved. We were told that the governor did not approve this directly, but it was part of a “shared space” under the oversight of the building administration. They said it was a matter of “public expression.”  Later details confirmed that it was approved by the General Services Division (part of the MT Department of Administration).

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I formally requested that the governor order the flags removed since (I asserted) “they are not representative of all the people of Montana and show a political bias.”  A few of us called the building administration, which only went to voicemail—my voicemail offered the same objections I had given to the governor’s office.

Our intercessors privately discussed requesting to have an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, a Christian flag, or a Jesus flag flown at the Capitol. We have not yet proceeded with that request.

In the meantime, all of our prayers and action brought a breakthrough. We were told the flags would be removed on June 7, 2024.

We spent some time afterward praising the Lord for hearing our prayers. We also rejoiced because the primary elections had selected some great God-fearing candidates.

Much prayer is still needed, especially regarding the two open seats on the Montana Supreme Court – the chief justice seat and seat #3.  The race seems “tight” at this point between justices who will uphold the Constitution, fair rulings, and the separation of powers, in contrast to those who are progressive, liberal, and activist in their judicial approach.  The Montana voters need clarity and perspective since all judicial candidates run under a “nonpartisan” election.

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