
FBI admits identity of Hunter Biden laptop in Delaware trial after intelligence officials denied story in 2020  – LifeSite

WILMINGTON, Delaware (LifeSiteNews) — The Hunter Biden laptop was entered into evidence in an ongoing Delaware trial of Joe Biden’s scandal-ridden son for allegedly illegally purchasing a firearm as a drug addict.

Biden’s laptop, which 51 prominent U.S. intelligence officials publicly claimed was a “Russian hoax” in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, was identified on Wednesday, June 5, in federal court through serial numbers and Apple records. FBI agent Erika Jensen confirmed that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden and that the FBI found no evidence of tampering with the device.

The laptop had been officially handed over to the FBI in December 2019 by the computer repair shop owner at whose store Hunter Biden reportedly left it.

READ: Why did the FBI cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop for nearly 18 months?

Observers pointed out on social media the deception of which the FBI and intelligence officials have now been clearly shown to be guilty in covering up the existence of evidence that would expose the corruption and criminal activity of not only Hunter Biden but also his father just prior to the 2020 election.

READ: Hunter Biden business partner says FBI ‘altered history’ by refusing to investigate Biden family

As has since come to light, after the New York Post published its shocking report about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop just weeks before the 2020 election, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s senior campaign advisor Antony Blinken orchestrated a letter signed by 51 officials of intelligence agencies smearing the laptop story as a “Russian hoax” in an attempt to keep it from public scrutiny just before the election.

Mainstream media and social media followed suit and the story was effectively suppressed for the time being, allowing Joe Biden to dismiss the scandal in a live 2020 presidential debate against Trump, citing the letter.

In April 2023, following congressional testimony that revealed the coordinated suppression of the laptop scandal, the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Blinken confronting him on his involvement in the cover-up of the Hunter Biden laptop story and the likely tampering with the presidential election the suppression effected.

READ: New emails prove ‘beyond all doubt’ Joe Biden obstructed justice with Hunter’s Ukraine deal: fact-checker

In 2022 U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida questioned FBI Cyber Division assistant director Bryan Vorndran about the whereabouts of the Hunter Biden laptop during a congressional hearing, and Vorndran then claimed he didn’t “have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop” despite his prominent position at the FBI Cyber Division. Gaetz then proceeded to enter a copy of the Hunter Biden laptop into the official Congressional Record.

Wednesday’s admission of the laptop into court evidence and the confirmation of its identity by the FBI as belonging to Hunter Biden is the latest development in a story that continues to expose the deep criminal corruption of the Biden family.


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