
Migrants Fill Boston Airport – Intercessors for America

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Migrants continue to flood across our southern border with nowhere to go and no one to take care of them. Now airports are becoming shelters.

From Fox News. More than 100 migrants are sleeping on the floors of Boston’s Logan International Airport as more continue to stream in and use the facility as a shelter.

A police source confirmed to Fox News that the hundreds of people pictured lining the floors of Boston’s main air hub with makeshift beds and air mattresses are migrants that have been using the facility as a shelter.

The number of migrants being housed at the airport has increased in recent weeks, according to a report from the New York Post

Compounding the issue is a lack of staff and resources at surrounding facilities, the representative said, causing migrants to be bussed to state welcome centers during the day, only to be transported back to the airport at night. …

The migrants have been forced to stay at the airport after state shelters reached their maximum capacity of 7,500 families in November, with those at the airport sitting on a wait list for shelter room to open. …

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: CBP Photography)

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