
Candace Owens blasts Israel lobby, urges everyone to declare that ‘Christ is King’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Candace Owens recently appeared on Piers Morgan’s show and proclaimed that Christ is King, that we should not be involved in constant global wars in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and Russia, and slammed critics calling her anti-semitic. 

Candace Owens appeared on Piers Morgan’s show on June 12, 2024. It looked like he thought that he was going to have the upper hand on home territory, but Candace did not let that happen – instead, she took him to task on his own show. 

She was an unstoppable force, stating the hard truths and Catholic doctrine that the world needs to hear – and already she’s got that message out to 1.7 million people who have watched that interview so far. 

At one point, Morgan goes after Candace for not condemning Hamas quickly or enthusiastically enough for his taste, following the group’s October 7th attack on Israel, and she defends herself so incredibly. 

Endless foreign wars 

Owens began by talking about being Christian, and that persecution against Christians – which is widespread throughout the world – is hardly ever covered anywhere. This spiel is so good that I think it should be memorized by all of us. Let’s break it down. 

Now to be clear, I am consistent on all matters. I do not want America involved whatsoever in anything that is happening in Israel, I don’t want my dollars sent over to Israel. We should not be supporting Israel. Obviously Thomas Massie has done a lot of work showing, how it doesn’t even make economic sense that we have so much debt, and yet we’re sending money over to support Israel.

Over the last few months, some of you might have been wondering why LifeSiteNews has taken such a hard line on Israel and the U.S. Israel lobby. Candace really hits the nail on the head there.  

In some ways, what she says is enough to explain why we should be concerned about what Israel is doing in Gaza – and in the U.S. government. We don’t need any further reasons beyond that to be concerned (even though there are many). 

But that’s not all. She goes on: 

… And the biggest issue, by the way, that I have with Israel and talking about them being above reproach, is the fact that they are supplying the arms to murder Christians, okay, in Armenia – the oldest Christian country in the world, and yet nobody talks about that. 

For whatever reason it seems to be the circumstance that when Jewish people die in Israel, it’s wall-to-wall coverage; but when Christians die all over the world nobody talks about it. 

This is so true, it’s why LifeSiteNews always makes it a priority to report on the martyrdoms, killings and persecution that take place around the world on a daily basis. 

Anti-Christian persecution and Christian suffering

Just the other day, LifeSite’s Andreas Wailzer wrote about the Catholics murdered in Mozambique during the ongoing insurgency of militant Islamists in the region. 

Every now and then a murder or even involuntary manslaughter becomes a cause celebre in the mainstream media. 

But that never happened for Francisco Massaya in Nacutho, Mozambique, who was murdered by Islamic insurgents in 2022 in front of his own chapel – a holy, bloody sacrifice to God outside the place where the holy and unbloody sacrifice is offered. 

No one in the mainstream talks about Sister Maria de Coppi, a Comboni missionary nun who was murdered there in a similar way.  

They don’t tell you that when the Islamists arrived in Tatulo there, they separated the locals into groups of men and women, Muslims and Christians, and – as some witnesses recalled, “When the first three Christians bravely came forward, they were tied up and beheaded.” And on, and on, and on.  

And what’s this about Armenia, you might ask?  

At the start of the twentieth century, there was increased violence against Armenian Christians on the part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. This led to massacres, forced emigration and relocation, and the famous “death marches.” 

The “men” (which included minors) would be marched away from their villages and executed, whether by being shot, or pushed of cliffs to drown, or other horrible ways.  

The women suffered differently, either through forced conversion or specific types of slavery. 

In the modern day, there have been terrible conflicts between majority Islamic Azerbaijan and Armenia, and that’s what Candace mentions there. What she said isn’t controversial: in an interview with the Armenian ambassador, a mainstream Israeli TV presenter said: 

[I]t’s no secret that Israel does supply weaponry to Azerbaijan, which it sees is an ally.


Azerbaijan has the right to assert its sovereignty there, with with or without – if it wasn’t, if it wouldn’t be Israeli weapons, it would be Turkish weapons.

But we shouldn’t be discouraged by any of this. As Tertullian said:  

The more you mow us down, the greater in number we grow – because the blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christians.

Soviets and revolutionary persecution 

Candace went on to slam the media, which refuses to take interest in anti-Christian atrocities or instances of Christian suffering, and instead sends enforcers like Morgan to ask her why she (supposedly) doesn’t take an interest the sufferings of other groups: 

Everyone wants to correlate everything to World War II everyone wants to talk about Adolf Hitler and rightfully so he was a horrific person. 

But nobody wants to talk about Genrikh Yagoda, right? Nobody wants to talk about the Bolsheviks, nobody wants to talk about the Christian Holocaust.

It is absolutely crucial that we do indeed talk about what happened under the Soviets and in other Communist countries.   

Genrikh Yagoda, whom Candace mentioned, was an official of the Soviet Secret Police and director of the NKVD, the Soviet intelligence agency.   

He was instrumental in the great purge in Russia, and was responsible for building two canals with the slave labor force made up of the political prisoners in the Gulag prison system.  

In one project alone, up to 25,000 Gulag prisoner-slaves died. Many of them were Christians, and were there because they were Christians. 

Yagoda, like Robespierre in France and so many of these hideous cases, ultimately got eaten by his own revolution. He was summarily shot – which seems merciful, compared to the agonizing deaths and slavery he caused through the Russian Gulag system. 

We have to know our own history – because there can be no doubt that it’s shaping up to be our future too. Unless we know our history and prepare for tyranny now, will we be able to stand in the evil day when it comes? 

Special categories and special relationships 

Let’s go back to Candace: 

I am tired of the media – exhausted of the media! – not speaking about what is happening to Christians all around the world. And it is especially horrific, while at the exact same time that it is happening (the slaughter of Christians in Armenia, the arms being supplied by Israel) that the media turns the other way and says ‘Okay, but what about this, what about what’s happening in Israel?’

So you know what I’m asking for? Actual equality, okay. Because it seems like this is like a ‘special category’ the ‘special relationship that we have.’

We are very much in agreement. At LifeSiteNews, like Candace, we condemn Hamas’ killing of innocents and the taking of hostages on October 7th 

But we have to speak the truth in season and out of season – and also, we need to remember that there are many Palestinian Christians in Gaza (as well as the West Bank by the way, which is not even run by Hamas) who are being bombed to smithereens by Israel, the so-called “most moral army on earth.” Just a few weeks ago, I interviewed Khalil Sayegh, a young Palestinian Christian who had lost his 18-year-old sister because of what Israel is doing. 

We always have to speak the truth about injustice, and anti-Christian persecution, whether it’s at the hands of Israel, Islamic persecutors, communists, or anyone else at all.  

Candace explains the reason why:  

I’m a Christian first, okay? And so my concerns are going to be with what’s happening to Christians all around the world – because it is us, we are the number one most persecuted religion in the world. 

And all Christians watching this need to realize the time is now to start speaking up, because we have been silenced about the things that are happening to us for a very long time.

The media is very clearly not our friend. When there is wall-to-wall coverage of Christians being killed in Armenia, Christians being killed in Nigeria, and the treatment of Christians in America and all across the globe today,then you ask me if I will use my platform and I will use my voice to speak about what’s happening in Israel. How about that

At this, Morgan admitted that she had a “perfectly reasonable point” and changed the subject.  

The following day, she said this on her own show: 

How about that Piers? 

And I’ll tell you how about it went – well, he obviously ended that part of the conversation immediately, because there are aggressive double standards here. The idea that you can say to someone ‘Why don’t you use your platform to talk about this?’ 

And you know, I scrolled through Piers’ feed, and it turns out that no, when Armenian Christians are being killed and being bombed, and it is a fact that Israel is supplying the arms to do that, Piers doesn’t have anything to say. So why is he prioritizing Israel? He can’t answer that question, so he wants to move on. 

It is constantly this effort to manipulate you into focusing your life and your attention on whatever they decide to press their thumbs down on, and it’s not right. And that is my belief, I am a Christian, of course I going to use my Twitter feed, I’m going to dedicate my Twitter feed to things that are of interest to me. That is my right.

All power to her for speaking out loudly and forthrightly on these issues.  

The crisis facing the West 

Towards the end of the show, she really put her finger on the issue plaguing our society, as well as the solution. Take a listen:

We are weak right now, the West is weak right now. We’re weak because we have men that are acting like women, we have journalists that don’t have the strength to call out the truth (and they’re calling everything a conspiracy theory).

We have women who are no longer leading their households, women who are fearful of standing up for their children [against] the things that they know that are right or wrong, for fear of being called a name.

That is absolutely true. And that’s why it’s so important to watch and support independent media like LifeSiteNews who DO have the strength to call these things out.  

But that’s not all – listen to what she says is the solution: 

We need to return to a time where people are guided by faith and by God, and not by governments and the media institutions. […]  

[T]he only way that we’re going to be able to change that is if we start looking through things through an appropriate lens, right? The truth is that [the West] lost the minute we turned away from faith, and the minute that we turned away from God. That is my belief, and I don’t put Faith in institutions – I just don’t.  

So I’m done with the military-industrial complex, I don’t want to support Ukraine, I don’t want to support Israel, I don’t want to support any of it. I want to support my family, and that is where everything begins – at home. 

Isn’t that so powerful? But how do we return to God and to faith? 

We already know the answer, and we don’t need Candace to tell us – but it’s just amazing that she’s been able to state it to so many people in Morgan’s audience. 

It’s through the phrase she keeps getting into trouble for saying: that “Christ is King.” 

Christ is King – the social kingship of Christ 

I lost count of how many times she said it. And Morgan tried to pummel her into submission with it. He was coy at first, but as it went on, it became clear that he was trying to get Candace to speak about her former colleague Andrew Klavan’s interview tour, in which he claimed multiple times that her saying “Christ is King” was anti-semitic, and that she had been “spitting” it at Ben Shapiro, a high profile Jew. 

This is what Morgan said to her: 

Right, a lot of attention’s been focused on you constantly referencing ‘Christ is King.’

Many people, believing that although those words in themselves (if you’re a Christian as you are) would not be offensive, that to Jewish people, when they’re being whipped up on social media (as they were at the time by people who are genuine white supremacists and pretty brazen anti-semites) that, being smart as you are, you would have known that to deliberately use that phrase repeatedly in that time in that climate was a deliberate act of provocation to people like Ben Shapiro, who obviously are extremely high-profile Jewish people.

Do you accept that?

This section and Candace’s answer were so important to Piers Morgan and his producers, that they made it the key teaser preview at the start of the show – along with some other edits and shots designed to make her look silly. It’s a low-blow tactic, really. 

Anyway, Candace wasn’t accepting Morgan’s view of what happened. She returned to Andrew Klavan’s role: 

The reason why this even became a scandal is because of Andrew Klavan. Andrew Klavan did an episode called Because Christ is Really King, and then he accused me wrongly of ‘spitting that phrase at a Jew.’

That simply never happened, as I showed in my first episode back, it was just made up out of thin air.

But he got her on a roll, slamming the idea that this is a provocation: 

I posted a standalone Bible verse, and I wrote at the end of it ‘Christ is King.’ And then a Jew responded to me telling me to quit my job. So what happens sometimes is then time passes and people try to rewrite history.

But we’re not going to do revisionist history here. I tweeted ‘Christ is King,’ appropriately following a Bible verse when I was 38 weeks pregnant.

And I stand by that proverb and I stand by my declaring Christ to be King, as I have done many times, and it’s basic Christian doctrine.

It’s basic Christian doctrine indeed. But what is this doctrine?  

Like Candace said, it’s the solution to what ails the West. The phrase “Christ is King” is usually recalling Pope Pius XI’s encyclical creating the feast of Christ the King. 

In that encyclical, he laid out clearly what Christ’s kingship means, and the traditional relationship between church and state. 

It’s not at all primarily about Christ’s kingship at the end of time, or his sovereignty over Christian hearts. It’s about the ordering of civil society. 

The pope taught: “it would be a grave error to say that Christ has no authority whatever in civil affairs.”     

That’s because it’s a truth of natural reason that civil power comes from God, and that the state has a duty to recognize and worship Him – and that this must be in accordance not with any old religion or none, but with the true religion – namely, that of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Catholic Church. 

So yes, that means the state has a duty to recognise and worship Christ, to make the Catholic faith the state religion, and make sure all laws are in keeping with the natural and revealed moral law.

It means that the state does indeed have a role in helping us get to heaven. Just imagine a nation where that was the case. 

And because society has just thrown Christ and his Church away, the pope also taught that there is “no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations” while “individuals and states refuse to submit to the rule of our Savior.”  

That’s what we mean when we say Christ is King. That’s the basic Christian doctrine that Candace was talking about. 

Later on, Morgan read out the words of Candace’s former boss, Jeremy Boering, on why the phrase is anti-semitic, and compared it to a shovel that might be used for good, or to kill someone. This is how she replied: 

I can’t speak on behalf of Jeremy Boreing, you’d have to book him and he can talk more about him his belief that ‘Christ is King can be used like a shovel to murder people.’  

You know, what I would say for me is: I don’t agree with that, and so if you find me saying ‘Christ is King’ to be abhorrent, same thing: you don’t have to support me, you don’t have to follow me.   

But let me tell you: I’m going to continue to declare that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings. 

Morgan didn’t like that, and started talking about online commentator Nick Fuentes, whom he called a “holocaust denier” and a “white supremacist, white nationalist” – and he asked her how she felt being supported by him and about using the same “slogan” of “Christ is King” as him. 

She poured total scorn on the whole idea of being “uncomfortable” about Fuentes supporting her, as if she was responsible for anyone else, and then doubled down: 

If you are going to pointedly ask me if I am uncomfortable with the fact that Nick Fuentes also believes that Christ is King: I want every single person in the world to declare Christ is King, whether you believe them to be a Nazi, a white supremacist, a Jew, a Muslim – it is the phrase itself that I want declared, okay? That’s it. That’s it. Okay.  

He had nothing to say to this, nothing. So he changed the subject. 

It’s so great to have these important Christian truths expressed on such a massive platform by someone of such a high profile. It’s really important that people like Candace – and all of us – speak out, in season and out of season.  

And some of her most powerful words were on this very subject: 

I want to make sure everybody knows this, right: at the end of the day, you are going to have to account to God for the things that you allowed, the things that you were complicit in, and for the things that you did not have enough courage to state.

Many people might just laugh that last point off – but that especially is a grace coming to them from God. It might be the first time that some people have ever even heard it – that they will continue to exist after their deaths, and they will be judged. 

This is the Gospel, friends – that and the fact that we can have hope for a good judgment, thanks to the salvific work of our Lord Jesus Christ, our King.   

I think it’s just amazing that in one fell swoop, Candace has managed to take to this very mainstream platform and preach so much truth, about the endless wars, Christian persecution, the fact that each person will be judged – and that Jesus Christ is King.  

Well done to her, and Viva Cristo Rey!  

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