
5 Hallmarks of a Godly Man

“He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor.” – Psalm 112:9
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” – Eph. 5:25

Have you ever met someone who seemed like a people magnet? Wherever a people magnet goes, others follow. Everyone seems to clamor to be near them.

It has often been my experience that this is particularly true for godly men who walk with integrity and exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in their character. These are the kind of people we find easy to trust and feel safe around. We’re given a great picture of this kind of man in Psalm 112. That Psalm is one of my favorites because it speaks of the way a godly man should carry himself in this world while being an ongoing blessing to the people he interacts with.

Ephesians 5 gives us a similar picture of godly men. We’re told that their wives experience particular benefits while in their presence because godly men understand what it means to replicate the sacrificial love of Jesus. On a daily basis, they learn what it means to put their wives first. A godly man give himself up so he can serve his wife and elevate her needs above his own. He does this in view of the sacrificial love Jesus showed the church when He gave Himself up for us on the cross.

Jesus is the pinnacle of what it means to be a godly man. People flocked to Him, and those who followed Him while also exercising sincere faith in Him experienced miraculous blessings. The lives of those who got close to Him improved in every way, including; relationally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Are you a godly man? Can it be genuinely said that everyone who gets close to you is blessed because of the experience? Is your example of Spirit-empowered godliness making the lives of those around you better?

There are many things Scripture reveals to us about godly men, but I wanted to take a moment to highlight five undeniable truths that stand out to me. This world needs godly men who can offer a visible example of the heart of Jesus, and if you’re a man, this is God’s desire for your life. Will you rise up to this challenge and offer our confused and starving culture a picture of what a godly man who follows Jesus really looks like?

© John Stange, 2024 Originally published on Bible Study Headquarters. Used with permission.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Liudmila Chernetska

John Stange is the Lead Pastor at Core Creek Community Church and a professor at Cairn University where he leads the Digital Media and Communication program.  He also leads an online community called Platform Launchers where he helps people build message-based online platforms.

 John has authored over 30 books and presently hosts several podcasts on the LifeAudio podcast network.  His shows have been downloaded millions of times by listeners throughout the world.

You can learn more about John’s ministry, books, and podcasts at

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