
Top Hollywood Donors Say They are No Longer Giving Money if Biden Stays in Race – American Faith

Several major Hollywood donors are reportedly threatening to stop supporting the presidential election if President Joe Biden remains the Democratic nominee.

Anonymous donors allegedly called for Biden to “drop out” or they would not be “giving any more money” to the Democrat Party.

“With all the text chains I’m on, people are basically like, ‘If he doesn’t drop out, we’re not giving any more money to Democrats or the Democratic Party,’” an anonymous Hollywood donor told Variety. “It’s like super intense.”

Another anonymous Hollywood donor told the outlet that there was “a sense that the money dried up last night about 10 minutes into the debate.”

Despite the heavy criticism following his performance, President Biden has vowed to stay in the race.

“I know I’m not a young man, I don’t debate as well as I used to,” Biden told a crowd in North Carolina Friday, “but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth.” 

“On my watch, violent crime has hit a 50-year low,” Biden continued. “Then I pointed out that the only convicted felon on stage last night was Donald Trump. Well, I thought about his 34 felony convictions, his sexual assault on a woman in a public place. He’s been fined $400 million for business fraud.”

“I thought to myself, Donald Trump isn’t just a convicted felon. Donald Trump is a one-man crime wave,” he added, as the crowd began eager chants of “lock him up,” referring to Trump.

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