The Problem Is Us

The invasion of Canaan, in which God executed His wrath in an immediate and dramatic fashion, was a foretaste of …

General Assembly Preview: Polity, Procedure, & Personnel

The Assembly will have the opportunity to consider whether to uphold our polity and/or to reform our judicial procedures. Additionally …

Stop Swiping, Start Serving

Consider how you can replace self-indulgence with expressing love to others, self-centeredness with a life of blessing and serving others. …

Tool, Image Bearer, or Temptation?

We must also recognize that AI technology is here to stay. The church cannot avoid giving careful thought to fundamental …

I AM: Trinity

God exists in three ways simultaneously. If His existence comprehends past, present and future simultaneously, God is able to exist …

That Time Paul Gave Timothy a Quote from Luke’s Gospel

Paul had access to Luke during his travels, the preface “Scripture says” occurs six times in Paul’s letters and always …

Messy Lives, Merciful Savior

As you view the complicated situations caused by sinful hearts in this fallen world, remember that God keeps his covenant …