
Steve Bannon receives blessing from priest before he begins four-month prison term – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Traditional Catholic priest Fr. Kevin Robinson of the Society of St. Pius X appeared at a rally for former Trump adviser Steve Bannon on Monday to impart a blessing moments before the War Room host began his jail sentence for refusing to comply with the corrupt January 6 House Select Committee.

Bannon was in Danbury, Connecticut this morning before being hauled off to a federal prison nearby to serve a four-month term for defying a congressional subpoena in 2022. He had tried multiple times to appeal the ruling beforehand to no avail.

Bannon began the press conference by declaring that he is a “political prisoner” of Nancy Pelosi, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Joe Biden, who he accused of lying about COVID and the 2020 election. He also noted that he has “no regrets” for refusing to testify before the “completely illegitimate” January 6 committee.

Robinson was introduced to Bannon after he delivered his opening remarks by firebrand Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Green, a former Catholic. Bannon, who is Catholic, asked Robinson to “say a few words,” to which Robinson replied, “I’m not authorized to talk to the media” but added “I agree with your positions, and I’ll be praying for you. I’m in the St. Ignatius Retreat house 15 minutes away. I’ll get you whatever you need.”

The Society of St. Pius X runs a 13-acre retreat center in neighboring Ridgefield, Connecticut. Originally home to the Society’s second U.S.-based seminary (the first in Armada, Michigan), the sprawling properly now hosts five-day Ignatian retreats according to the traditional methods of St. Ignatius of Loyola. There is also a school on site. Fr. Steven Webber, who services a Latin Mass chapel in Philadelphia, is among the eight clergy who live at the residence with Robinson, who oversees the St. Anthony of Padua chapel in North Caldwell, New Jersey.

Bannon replied to Robinson by saying, “Father, don’t pray for me, pray for our enemies. They’re the ones that are going to need the prayers!” Robinson then led the group in the St. Michael prayer.

Bannon proceeded to field questions from the media. He declared that the “MAGA movement” is not going anywhere and that others will step up to take his place. He described Biden as a “cadaver” and said his recent debate performance further exposed his incompetence.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson last month, Bannon said he plans to perform the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola to help him get through his time away. The facility he has been sent to is home to mostly white-collar criminals.

At the end of the rally that lasted just under 30 minutes, Robinson informed Bannon he wanted to give him a blessing, to which Bannon bowed his head.

Et Benedictio Deo Omnipotentis, Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Descendant super vos et maneat semper,” Robinson said in Latin, which translates to, “and may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever.” Robinson concluded, “I’m at your service, anytime. Give me a call.”

“Victory or death!” Bannon exclaimed.

Robinson is from Australia but is a dual U.S. citizen. He is no stranger to the public spotlight. During COVID, he warned his flock to stay away from the abortion-tainted shot and wrote exemption letters and joined protests against restrictive policies. He also performed an exorcism outside the Connecticut state capitol building.

In 2020, Robinson filed a lawsuit against the state of New Jersey for its draconian policies that shut down churches, decrees that he refused to go along with. He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program twice that year to discuss his efforts.

Bannon’s jail term ends Friday, November 1. The 2024 elections are set to take place on Tuesday, November 5.

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