
7 Incredible Things You Can Learn from ‘Doubting Thomas’ in the Bible

The twelve disciples were all common men of relatively low standing when were called to follow Jesus. Jesus loved them, redeemed them, and ultimately equipped, empowered, and entrusted them to do incredible things in His name. Nevertheless, the twelve disciples were also known to be brash, selfish, short-sighted, and even cowardly at times. One of them, Thomas, is famously known for his doubt and disbelief. Even today, many in the church refer to this chosen apostle as “Doubting Thomas” after he doubted the reports of Christ’s resurrection. 

Is this reputation warranted and nickname fairly earned? Maybe. However, there are many incredible things we can learn from Thomas beyond his characteristic doubt and disbelief. Here are seven:

1. Thomas Did Not Want to Live without Jesus 

Most people are familiar with Thomas’ disbelief when it came to the news that Jesus was alive and had appeared to the other disciples. In fact, it is one of the few instances where Thomas is featured in any of the gospels (John 20:24-25). However, it is not the only story in which Thomas’ personality and character are revealed. In two previous stories, we encounter a man who loved Jesus with a passion that is rarely acknowledged. 

For example, in John 11, we read that Jesus had decided to travel to the village of Bethany to visit Mary and Martha after the death of their brother Lazarus. When the rest of the disciples tried to talk Jesus out of venturing so close to Jerusalem, where the Pharisees were headquartered, Thomas stepped forward, saying, “Let us also go, that we may die with him” (John 11:14). Naturally, this a bit dramatic on Thomas’ part. Talk about anticipating the worst. However, though his natural pessimism is on full display, we cannot deny his courage at that moment. If he was going to die, he was going to die at Jesus’ side. Even if temporary, Thomas seems to demonstrate a willingness to “take up his cross” and follow Jesus. This is a response born of love and loyalty more than doubt and fear.  

Furthermore, at the Last Supper, Thomas questioned Jesus’s comments about His eventual departure, asking, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5) This was after Jesus had told the Twelve, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:2-4). Of course, Thomas failed to see the big picture, always expecting the worst. Nevertheless, in his love for Jesus, he was deeply troubled whenever the thought of being separated from Him was presented. 

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