
PHOTOS: Hundreds of pro-lifers march for the unborn, witness to the Catholic faith in Philadelphia – LifeSite

PHILADELPHIA (LifeSiteNews) — Hundreds of people, young and old alike, braved the intense summer heat on June 22, 2024, to participate in the 4th annual Philadelphia March for Life, which was organized and hosted by the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia and sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Coalition. 

Having begun the day with Holy Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, marchers were nourished spiritually to take the battle to end abortion to the streets of Philadelphia. The theme that Fr. Dennis Gill instilled in his homily at Mass was: “We march for faith, freedom, and the fight.” Gathering at the foot of the steps of the cathedral basilica, children and young people handed out and carried signs stating “I am the Pro-Life Generation” and “Love Them Both.” Young men valiantly held the lead banner of the March for Life with the words “Women Deserve Better Than Abortion” on it. Other men carried Our Lady of Mount Carmel, with four boys flanking her and holding the flags of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary, “One Nation Under God,” the Vatican, and the Knights Templar.

Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski

“Two things are happening here today,” stated Fr. Tom Whittingham at Independence Hall. “First of all, we are here to praise God and celebrate the second anniversary of the Dobbs Supreme Court decision that overturned 50 years of judicial malpractice. Secondly, we are here in numbers to show Philadelphia and all our neighbors throughout Pennsylvania that there are many of us who recognize the inherent dignity of every unborn child and that we will speak and march and pray and vote until the life of every single person is protected from the moment of conception until natural death.” The beginning words of Fr. Tom rang true even before he spoke them. Throughout the almost 30-minute march from the cathedral basilica to Independence Hall, moments both tense and faith-stirring occurred. 

As the pro-life march walked through Philadelphia streets, observers took pictures on their phones while some bystanders shouted vulgar words, using inappropriate hand gestures at the marchers. The most faith-filled moment happened as the march passed an abortion mill. Behind two sets of metal fences, pro-abortionists, LGBTQ supporters, and abortuary escorts shouted pro-abortion slogans, holding their colorful and corrupt signs and filming the faithful passing by with their banners, rosaries, and images of the Blessed Mother and Her Son, Jesus. Three men from the Knights of Columbus stood with their backs to the pro-abortionists, holding high their rosaries. Hail Marys and shouts of “Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!” echoed throughout the marchers. 

Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski

Singer Joey DeNoble greeted the heat-exhausted marchers with worship music as they reached the grounds of Independence Hall. “It matters that we are celebrating victory here, in front of Independence Hall, where our Founders first declared the inalienable right to life in this nation,” Fr. Tom stated a short time later. The people gathered in the grass and the shade, listening to speakers Lisa Eshleman, Christina Flowers, Pastor Jay Gilbert, and Pat Stanton congratulating them on their efforts and encouraging them in future endeavors to save the lives of unborn babies. 

To the young people in the march, Lisa Eshleman, an active member of the Penn Students for Life, shared her story as a once-abortion supporter early in college who was converted by the faith and prayers of others. She now works for Generation Life and is encouraging college students to assist in the efforts to pray outside of abortion facilities and support pro-life activities. Eshleman stated that students are seeing and hearing the messages of life that are being publicized and shared. It is encouraging them to make similar efforts to protect the lives of unborn children.  

Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski
Credit: Regina Jelski

Philadelphia native, attorney, and pro-life commentator Christina Flowers addressed the political issues behind abortion, stating that abortion is one of “the greatest human rights violations” of our times. Flowers noted that abortion supporters are very angry with the overturning of Roe v. Wade and are attempting to scare pro-lifers through violent acts and threats. She added that she has received threats herself. “Pennsylvania is a battleground state. Gettysburg, where we fought for human dignity and human rights. Valley Forge… we got it all here guys! This is where it starts, and this is where abortion ends,” stated Christina Flowers. 

Keynote speaker Pastor Jay Gilbert from Another Level Ministries spoke about his journey as a pro-life supporter and called people to action, stating “…so this is the time that each and every one of us must rise and do something… If we are willing to come together and use what God has put in our hands, there is nothing impossible for you, for God has blessed you.” Closing statements were made by Pat Stanton from the Pro-Life Union, reporting on the recent testimonies of children saved from being aborted. “Can you imagine putting a price tag on a child? Is there a price tag for a child? They’re priceless!”

Standing on the grounds of Independence Hall has significance to those participating in the Philadelphia March for Life. It is where the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence that proclaims, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.” These words emphasized to the American people that the fight for freedom against England was a just cause. Pro-life people are no different today, fighting to uphold this right for defenseless, unborn children, most of whom may not get to enjoy the American promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It takes great perseverance to continue to protect the unborn and to work for “faith, freedom, and the fight.”

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