
Upcoming book ‘We Must Obey God’ written by Bishops Strickland, Schneider, and Archbishop Aguer – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Sophia Institute Press has reported that it will publish the upcoming book We Must Obey God: Fidelity and Obedience in Times of Crisis, co-authored by Archbishop Héctor Aguer, Bishop Joseph Strickland, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider. The volume will offer theological principles, historical examples, and practical advice on fidelity and true obedience during political and ecclesiastical crises.

According to the Catholic publishing company, the book aims to answer questions such as: “What should families do in the face of fear and repressive government measures? What should clerics do when they can be canceled even by the Pope himself for remaining faithful to the immutable doctrine of Christ? What should any Catholic do when his willingness to work coherently is met with disdain or even canonical punishment?”

“It is time for Catholics everywhere to learn the answers to these questions, which have been answered in the past and have never been more important than today… [The book] combines extraordinary stories of work with concrete principles of action, and it seeks to offer a renewed vision, greater reasons for hope, and practical advice for building a faithful, fearless, and committed life,” Sophia Institute Press said.

READ: Bishop Strickland urges Catholics to oppose ‘blasphemies’ and corruption from Church hierarchy

Per the report, the book’s introduction lays out what will be addressed: 1) the virtue of obedience, 2) spheres of fidelity, and 3) correcting one’s conscience. Among the historical examples are included: 1) apostolic opposition – St. Peter and St. Paul, 2) “annoying” bishops – St. Athanasius, St. Thomas Becket, St. John Fisher, Blessed Jean Marie du Lau, 3) a historical journey through the centuries until the 20th century Cristero War that took place in Mexico, and 4) the testimony until death of Russian believers in the same century. The book also addresses issues related to government persecution, the scandal of sexual abuse by some clergymen, doctrinal errors and the hierarchy, and the Traditional Latin Mass.

Welcoming this new editorial initiative from Buenos Aires, Archbishop Héctor Aguer expressed his hope that “it will contribute to confirming us in the faith during these times of great ecclesial confusion. St. Paul also urges us today to ‘stop being children, tossed about by the waves and carried away by the wind of every doctrine, at the mercy of the malice of men and their cunning in teaching error. On the contrary, living in truth and love, let us grow fully united to Christ. He is the Head, and from Him the whole Body receives unity and cohesion’” (Eph. 4:14-16).

+ Héctor Aguer
Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata

Buenos Aires, Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle

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