
New Protocol Gives China Authority to Seize Taiwanese Boats At Their Discretion – American Faith

A new protocol has allowed China’s coast guard to seize a fishing boat near Taiwan’s Kinmen Islands. The incident has heightened tensions between Taiwan and China, as Taiwan seeks to protect its fishing rights and sovereignty. The new protocol allows the Chinese Coast Guard to seize vessels that cross the maritime border. Where the maritime border lies, however, is up to the discretion of Beijing.

The fishing boat was seized late Tuesday night by the Chinese Coast Guard in addition to two Taiwanese citizens and three Indonesians. 

While the area in question was deemed to be a neutral fishing zone, according to Taiwan’s Fisheries Agency, the Chinese government used it as an opportunity to further exert its power in the region.

Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration (CGA) was met with force from China upon its attempted rescue of the vessel and its crew, leaving them still in Chinese custody. Taiwan’s CGA has increased patrols to safeguard vessels from further seizures.

Tensions remain high as China continues to conduct military operations and training around the independent country of Taiwan and challenge the nation’s sovereignty. 

This latest seizure continues to spotlight the Chinese government’s power plays against Taiwan in hopes of one day regaining control of the country and absorbing it back as a province of the PRC.

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