
Saskatchewan files injunction against Trudeau gov’t over carbon tax dispute – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– Saskatchewan’s Justice Minister Bronwyn Eyre confirmed Thursday that the province has filed a court injunction to try and stop Canada’s tax agency from seizing its bank account because it has refused to collect an ever-increasing carbon tax instituted by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  

In a video update on Thursday posted to X, Eyre, who services as both justice minister and attorney general for Saskatchewan, confirmed that the Trudeau government is “sending the Canada Revenue Agency after the Province’s bank account” over Premier Scott Moe’s refusal to collect the carbon tax on home heating. 

Eyre noted that because the “Saskatchewan government was providing the same carbon tax relief here that the federal government was giving to other Canadians,” the Trudeau government is “threatening us again with their favorite move when someone disagrees with them.” 

“They’re sending the Canada Revenue Agency after the Province’s bank account. That’s what they’re doing,” she said. “And the reason they’re doing this is because we are providing Saskatchewan residents with the exact same carbon tax exemption as Trudeau is giving other Canadians.” 

As reported before by LifeSiteNews, in October of last year, amid dismal polling numbers that showed his government would be defeated in a landslide by the Conservative Party come the next election, Trudeau announced he was pausing the collection of the carbon tax on home heating oil for three years. 

While it was a welcomed move by many, home heating oil is almost exclusively used in Atlantic Canada, meaning the tax break really only applied to certain citizens, namely the 24 seats in Atlantic Canada currently held by the Liberals.

Going a step further, Trudeau refused to offer a similar carbon tax relief to those who heat their homes with natural gas, the main product used in provinces such as Alberta and Saskatchewan. This led to Moe announcing his government would take matters into its own hands by pausing the collection of the federal carbon tax on natural gas for home heating, a policy which took effect on January 1, 2024.

Moe has continued to state that his policy is one of fairness, arguing that now citizens of Saskatchewan, like in Atlantic Canada, do not have to pay carbon tax on home heating bills. 

In the Thursday video, Eyre said that it is “unconstitutional” to go after a province’s bank account as “section 126 of Canada’s constitution does not allow the federal government to grab money from a province’s bank account.” 

“So today, the province of Saskatchewan has filed an injunction to try to stop this unfair and unconstitutional cash grab by the Trudeau government,” she noted. 

Eyre added that when it comes to the issue of not collecting the carbon tax, it’s “about fairness and the fair application of the law.” 

“The Trudeau-NDP carbon tax should be taken off everything for everyone,” she said. “But until that happens, your Saskatchewan government will protect our province and ensure tax fairness for Saskatchewan families.” 

The Trudeau government has not only denied tax exemptions, it has remained adamant that it will continue increasing the carbon tax rate.

On April 1, the Trudeau government increased the carbon tax from $65 to $85 per tonne despite seven of 10 provincial premiers objecting to the increase, and 70 percent of Canadians saying they are against it. 

To reach Trudeau’s goal of net zero by 2050, the carbon tax would have to balloon to $350 per tonne. 

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