
5 Creative Ways Christians Can Participate in Self-Care

3. Jotting your thoughts down with pen and paper.

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Countless scientific studies have analyzed the correlation between journaling and emotional well-being, and many found that by writing down your thoughts, feelings, fears, and dreams, you’re allowing yourself to process the noise inside your head and better manage your emotions. For as long as I can remember, journaling has been my go-to method for unwinding. And while I find a lot of release in simply recounting my day or scribbling a couple of pages of ideas, brain dumping isn’t the only method of diary writing. In the last several years, more creative forms of journaling have become popular-writing styles such as bullet journaling, gratitude listing, and art journaling.

Bullet journaling is both an organizational method and a mindfulness practice. It’s a journaling method by which one creates monthly technicolor mood boards, productivity charts, calendar pages, and more all in one book. The technique has become so popular that entire sections of the internet are dedicated to showing people how to do it.

Gratitude lists are likely something you’ve heard of. Maybe you’ve even tried making them before. The benefits of acknowledging the things we are grateful for are two-fold. Not only are we expressing thankfulness to God for the blessings, support, or safety He’s provided us, but we are also showing ourselves some love. When we express gratitude, our brains release serotonin and dopamine–natural chemicals known to make us feel happier.

Art journaling is a method of self-expression that mixes written words and art. Maybe you find writing pages upon pages of your deepest feelings to be a bit daunting. Well, art journaling allows you to mix those words with art pieces. While it’s not a certified therapeutic method, as I’ve discussed ad nauseam, there are proven emotional and physical benefits to expressing emotion. 

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” – James 1:17

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/bingokid 

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