
5 Subtle Types of Modern-Day Spiritual Warfare

5. Distracted

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Our society is probably the most distracted yet. The way technology has invaded our lives creates consequences. We now live in an entertainment-based society. If I am not entertained by what I am doing, I will move on.

Everything is created to grab your attention and send you messages because they know they only have a few seconds before you get bored. We are constantly being pulled from one thing to the next.

With this comes kids and parents who can no longer concentrate. Parents will seek out short church services that will keep their kids’ attention, if they even go to church at all. We must remind ourselves that the purpose of church is to worship God. We are not there to be entertained.

“The best advice I ever came across on the subject of concentration is: Wherever you are, be there.” (John Rohn)

How many times have you had the best intentions to read the Bible, pray, or attend church. Satan will use his tactics to keep you from studying God’s word. The Bible is the source of Truth. God did not leave us to flounder in this world. He gave us His words to light a path for our lives. The sad reality is that people reach for advice on their phones instead of the Bible.

This world is not neutral. It does not want you to succeed and build your faith. The world is anti-Christian and anti-God. If you don’t believe me, watch the news and observe the messages around you. Once you acknowledge this, you can be more prepared to determine how your family is going to live differently from the world.

Spiritual warfare is subtle. Satan’s not going to be obvious about his attacks on you. He will seep into the small cracks of your life and start causing doubt. He doesn’t want you calling your mistakes sin, and he does not want you repenting and coming to Jesus. He will distract you from attending church, reading the Bible, and praying.

Studying the Bible requires focus and concentration. If this is not your strength, the great news is that you can improve. God will help.

James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

The more we are aware of the spiritual warfare around us, the better equipped we are to fight. Remember, the outcome is determined and war won, yet the battles still rage. Depend on God for your strength and wisdom and He will provide.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/PeopleImages

Katie T. Kennedy lives in Richmond, VA. She is married to a wonderful husband Jonathan and they have three girls. She is a writer, blogger, and employee of the family business. After a mid-life spiritual transformation, she discovered her love of writing. She loves to travel, read, be in nature, cook, and dream.  She would love to connect with you online at, Instagram or Facebook.

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