
‘Flynn’ Film Exposes Deep State Political Persecution – American Faith

The film Flynn, which is available for streaming and DVD purchase, portrays retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s career and the challenges he faced by the Deep State.

The documentary, featuring political commentator Tucker Carlson, journalist Lee Smith, and businessman Devin Nunes, offers Flynn’s perspective on Deep State activities.

Explaining the importance of the film, Flynn said the United States is “at a crossroads and faces the most historically consequential time in all of U.S. history.”

“This movie exposes so much about the direction of America’s past, present, and future,” he continued. “For all those who watch this film, you will walk away with a vastly more complete understanding of what we face and what you can and need to do to get involved.”

Producer Scott Wiper, who described himself as a “fairly passionate liberal democrat” during his 30 years in the industry, said that he was “searching for the truth as to what’s going on in this country.”

When asked what he wants audiences to take away from the film, Wiper stated, “The truth.”

Flynn told Breitbart that the film is a “story of survival” and a “story of hope.”

He explained that the Deep State is “at war with America and the American people.”

Flynn added that he found that the “people inside the White House were as bad as the people around the White House, too,” going on to explain that “now we all see it for what it is, which is, you know, a uni-party, you know, RINOs, whatever you want.”

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