
Homeless Encampment Built in Backyard of New Hampshire Family – American Faith

A homeless encampment is reportedly growing in the backyard of a New Hampshire family.

Robin Bach and her husband, along with their two children, allegedly have become bombarded by homeless people building tents in the woods behind their home.

Bach also said her children are afraid to play outside and she has called the police 37 times since 2018 due to numerous issues linked to the camp.

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to allow cities to continue banning homeless encampments.

The ruling distinguishes “status” versus managing actions.

According to the Supreme Court, enforcing public encampment laws does not fall under “cruel and unusual punishment.”

“The Court cannot say that the punishments Grants Pass imposes here qualify as cruel and unusual,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote. “The city imposes only limited fines for first-time offenders, an order temporarily barring an individual from camping in a public park for repeat offenders, and a maximum sentence of 30 days in jail for those who later violate an order. Such punishments do not qualify as cruel because they are not designed to ‘superad[d]’ ‘terror, pain, or disgrace.’”

The ruling reverses a decision from the Ninth Circuit, which prevented cities from enforcing anti-encampment policies.

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