
LifeSite petition for Archbishop Viganó soars past 10,000 signatures in 48 hours – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — LifeSite’s petition in support of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó has soared past 10,000 signatures.

The petition, which can be signed by clicking here, was launched last week on Friday, July 5 after the Vatican’s announcement that the former Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S. had incurred the penalty of excommunication for his many denouncements of not only Pope Francis but also of the Second Vatican Council.

As reported by LifeSite, Archbishop Viganó previously said that to be “excommunicated” from the “conciliar church” would be a great “honor.” After the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s decree, Viganò said the “guilt” he is accused of confirms “the Catholic Faith I integrally profess.”

LifeSite’s petition thanks His Excellency for his many “courageous public statements” while noting that “the double standard the Vatican applies to faithful clergy like yourself and dissident, pro-LGBT, pro-abortion clergy and laity across the world is disgraceful.”

“Be assured that we are praying for you and for the leaders in the Vatican so they come back to the faith that the Church has always defended,” it reads.

You can add your name to the petition by clicking here.

As noted by LifeSite co-founder John-Henry Westen, disgraced Slovenian priest Marko Rupnik continues to remain in good standing with the Vatican. Rupnik was expelled from the Jesuits in 2023 and has been widely accused of sexually and spiritually abusing numerous persons, including nuns and men. He was excommunicated by the Vatican in 2020, but the penalty was swiftly revoked, prompting speculation over whether Pope Francis personally intervened in the matter.

Other prominent Catholics who are also in “good standing” with the Vatican include pro-abortion U.S. President Joe Biden, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and pro-LGBT Jesuit Fr. James Martin, SJ. Former U.S. Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has also not been excommunicated, though he was laicized in 2019. In 2018, Vigano released a public statement accusing Francis of knowingly covering up McCarrick’s abuse of seminarians and priests for decades.

His Excellency Joseph Strickland, the former bishop of Tyler Texas, drew attention to McCarrick and Archbishop Viganó in an X post.

“We find ourselves at a strange moment in Church history when Archbishop Viganò is excommunicated swiftly while Theodore McCarrick remains unexcommunicated after years of his crimes against the Church have come to light,” he said.

“Rather than addressing the serious questions and allegations Archbishop Viganò raises, he is summarily removed from the Church with an apparent motive to silence him,” he continued. “Meanwhile McCarrick and a lengthy list of others have promoted a culture that ignores or wants to change Church teachings and their voices are allowed and even overtly supported.”

Prominent German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, one of the leading voices of the heretical “German Synodal Way,” also remains in Rome’s good graces. He celebrated a Mass for the “Munich Queer Community” in 2022 and has expressed support for ordaining homosexual men to the priesthood. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg, does as well. In fact, Hollerich is a confidant of Francis himself. He has previously called for a “change” in Church teaching on homosexuality while expressing support for  ordaining women  and allowing married men to be priests.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider said last week that if Pope Francis excommunicates Archbishop Vigano he would only “increase divisions” in the Church. “I think the pope would be wise and prudent if he were to not excommunicate Archbishop Viganò,” he remarked.

On June 28, Archbishop Viganò issued a blistering response to the Vatican’s charge of schism, arguing that “(a) schismatic sect accuses me of schism: this should be enough to demonstrate

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