
Major City to Deal with Homeless Camps Following SCOTUS Ruling

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After the Supreme Court ruled that cities can enforce bans on sleeping in public, an emboldened San Francisco plans to take major steps.

From The Daily Wire. San Francisco is planning to ramp up sweeps of homeless encampments after a pivotal Supreme Court decision last week gave cities more authority to deal with the issue.

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The court ruled Friday that cities can enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outside in public places even if there is not enough shelter space …

San Francisco Mayor London Breed said that thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling, the city will better be able to clean up the tents that line the city’s streets.

“With this opportunity, we’ll be able to do more to clean and clear our streets — especially for those who are refusing shelter and services,” Breed said during a press conference at City Hall. …

Homelessness in the San Francisco area has only gotten worse since before the pandemic. About 38,000 people are homeless in the Bay Area on a given night. That’s up 35% since 2019. More than 7,000 people are homeless in San Francisco itself.

San Francisco also has a deadly drug crisis driven by fentanyl, and the city saw record fatal overdoses last year. …

Harrowing scenes of homeless people engaging in open-air drug use and living in filth on city streets continue to come out of the neighborhoods most in need of help. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Ev on Unsplash)

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