
Melania Trump hosts Log Cabin Republicans for fundraiser at Trump Tower penthouse – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Longtime Donald Trump loyalist Ric Grenell announced on social media Monday that former First Lady Melania Trump allowed a Log Cabin Republicans fundraiser to be held at Trump Tower in New York City.

Grenell, a homosexual, has been one of the former president’s closest supporters. During Trump’s first term as president, the Michigan native was named Ambassador to Germany and Acting Director of National Intelligence, among other roles. He previously served in the Bush administration.

In an X post, Grenell said the gathering was the first campaign event ever held at Trump’s penthouse. He also said they raised $1.4 million. “Our goal is to get 50% of the gay vote for Donald Trump,” he added.

Grenell’s announcement comes just weeks after Donald Trump called into a Log Cabin Republicans meeting on Saturday, June 23 in Las Vegas, promoting outcry from social conservatives. The Log Cabin group declared that so-called “LGBT conservatives are united behind you, Mr. President,

This election season has seen the Trump campaign make an even more blatant effort to court homosexual and pro-LGBT voters than in 2016 and 2020.

As reported by LifeSite, Melania Trump hosted a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans at Mar-a-Lago in April that raised over $1 million. Trump himself welcomed the group to the property after Joe Biden signed a same-sex “marriage” bill into law in December 2022. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, described the event as a “large scandal” that indicates “the deep state has contaminated the entire political elite without distinction, even involving Donald Trump, who up until now seemed to be a source of hope for the future of the United States.”

Earlier this week, the Republican Party revised its platform while removing longstanding support for federal protections for the unborn and opposition to homosexual “marriage,” thus confirming fears voiced in recent days by social conservative leaders about the party drifting leftward.

Florida GOP U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, a Catholic and potential vice-presidential nominee, has publicly stated that he supports removing the language about abortion. “I think our platform has to reflect our nominee,” he said on CNN recently.

In 2016, before assuming office, Trump told 60 Minutes he’s “fine” with homosexual “marriage.” “It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean, it’s done,” he told reporter Leslie Stahl. In 2020, Grenell described Trump as “the most pro-gay president in American history.” To which Trump replied, “My great honor!!!” In 2024, Trump welcomed a same-sex male couple to have their “wedding” at Mar-a-Lago.

While complaints about the GOP’s lurch to the left on social issues under Trump is entirely founded, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — Trump’s main rival during the primary — likely wouldn’t have fared much better. In June 2022, DeSantis joined homosexual commentator Dave Rubin on stage for an event in Orlando. He also allegedly sent Rubin a onesie for his baby after he and his “husband” announced on social media that they were becoming “dads” via surrogacy.

Many religious Americans, including LifeSite journalists, have noticed the infiltration of homosexuality into the conservative movement and exposed it repeatedly over the past decade.

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