
More Dems Call for President Biden to Drop out

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Some Democrats are calling on Biden to drop out, and many more are privately expressing concerns. Biden, meanwhile, refuses to yield. How will this conflict resolve before November?

From Axios. We’re now in uncharted, historic waters: President Biden — backed by first lady Jill Biden and his convicted son, Hunter, who’s serving as de facto gatekeeper for longtime friends — says that nothing, besides an act of God, will persuade him to quit his re-election campaign.

  • But outside Biden’s protective bubble, a fast-growing number of Democrats are praying for —and plotting — a more earthly intervention. They want everyone from the Obamas to congressional leaders to beg Biden to drop out by this Friday.

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Why it matters: Biden and his Democratic critics share one common passion — the intensity, certainty and irreversibility of their positions. Both plan fierce public and private campaigns to see who buckles. …

The big picture: Democratic lawmakers have gone from shock, to sadness, to madness since the debate 10 days ago. These Democrats, further deflated by Biden’s high-stakes ABC interview, believe there’s nothing he can do to reverse the damage — or his aging. …

“Every single person not named Biden,” or paid by the president, recognizes how deep a hole he’s in, said a top Democratic operative who’s talking nonstop to elected officials.

  • David Axelrod, former President Obama’s political architect, described Biden’s posture in an opinion piece Saturday: “Denial. Delusion. Defiance.” Axe said a growing chorus of Democrats is “fearful of an electoral disaster.”

front-page story in Sunday’s Washington Post quotes an adviser to major donors as estimating that “for every 10 people who think he should exit, one thinks he should stay.” The story says multiple people “publicly vouching for Biden, at the behest of the White House and campaign, privately say there’s no path.” …

State of play: Don’t be fooled by the small number of House Democrats who have publicly called for Biden to quit the race. Five out of 213 is minuscule. It’s complicated politics to say your sitting president needs to go: If he stays, Biden and voters would never forget.

  • But based on Axios reporters’ conversations with dozens of House members and senators, it’s clear that scores are close to speaking out or signing letters telling Biden it should be over. These conversations will intensify this week. …

🗓️ What’s next: Biden plans a Thursday afternoon news conference, as NATO leaders wrap up a three-day summit in Washington. …

Between the lines: Something has to give. Biden believes a strong week at NATO, a powerful performance at Thursday’s press conference and private pressure from his allies will quiet the storm.

  • His Democratic critics believe rising calls for him to quit, relentless pressure on Hill leaders to join them, and private pressure on Biden will ease — or force — the president out of the race. …

How is the Lord leading You to pray for President Biden? Share your prayers and scriptures with us below.

(Excerpt from Axios. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Joe Biden, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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