Envisioning Spiritual Warfare as Paul Did

All of Ephesians is about our conflict with darkness—within ourselves, with other people, with the spiritual forces of evil. Christ’s …

Marriage Is Not the Goal of the Christian Life

Our focus should be on loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. That is true whatever our …

Denominational Death

What is clear is that the situation now is more extreme than we usually allow ourselves to think and we …

Evangelicals and Catholics Together at 30

Written by Thomas G. Guarino | Tuesday, July 9, 2024 From the beginning, Neuhaus and Colson hoped that, by establishing …

Remember the Sabbath to Keep Us Humble

The Sabbath isn’t just a break from our work; it’s meant to reorient our relationship with our work. Ultimately, it …

Don’t Boil a Young Goat in Its Mother’s Milk

The language in 14:21 forbids mixing life and death. As a holy people set apart for worship at the tabernacle, …

Amid Turmoil, Haiti Finds Hope

We grieve for what we see, because we know Haiti’s potential. The country is beautiful, with many beaches, and could …

Are Moral Failures in Ministry a Growing Trend?

Over the last two weeks, I have heard about two well-known pastors who have either been forced to resign or …