
5 Signs You’re Growing Spiritually Together as a Couple

5. Serving others together.

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The next step after encouraging each other’s spiritual gifts is using those gifts to serve others together. The Bible urges you in 1 Peter 4:10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” You and your spouse are partners in God’s work, with a shared sense of purpose. Serving others can take many forms, from volunteering at a local charity to supporting a friend in need. By helping people together, you and your spouse can learn to see beyond just your own needs and prioritize the well-being of others. That will allow you all to experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from helping other people and pleasing God.

Whether it’s participating in community service projects, supporting church ministries, or helping neighbors, these shared experiences can strengthen your spiritual growth and bring you closer together. Serving others together also teaches you both the importance of humility and selflessness. By putting other people’s needs before your own, you’ll both grow in spiritual maturity. Serving others can also give you and your spouse valuable lessons in teamwork and cooperation, helping you develop stronger communication and problem-solving skills. Finally, serving others as a couple can create lasting positive memories and build a strong foundation of shared experiences. These experiences can strengthen your bond for years to come. 

In conclusion, you need to be intentional about growing spiritually together as a couple, every single day. But as you and your spouse choose to seek God together in fresh ways daily, you’ll experience powerful growth – both in your relationships with God, and with each other. So, look for these signs of spiritual growth, and then strengthen them at every opportunity. As you and your spouse continue to grow together spiritually, remember to support each other, celebrate your progress, and trust in God’s guidance. Following these practices will build a strong connection between you and your spouse with God, who is the source of all love!

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/BiserkaStojanovic 

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