
A missing artist sets a twisty mystery in motion

The newspapers of the 1930s did not recognize her as an artist. If they even mentioned Juliette Willoughby, they identified her as the daughter of a member of Parliament or perhaps a runaway heiress. To her patrician family, she was an embarrassment.

But Willoughby knew the power of her paintings. Her defiant stand, at odds with her aristocratic family, launches a tangled murder mystery that spans decades and continents. “The Final Act of Juliette Willoughby,” the latest novel by Ellery Lloyd, a nom de plume of the husband-and-wife team of Paul Vlitos and Collette Lyons, uncovers stories from the past that will upend the present. 

The book begins in present-day Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Professor Caroline Cooper, an expert on the work of surrealist painter Juliette Willoughby, has been invited by gallery owner Patrick Lambert, who is Cooper’s ex-husband, to deliver a talk on Willoughby’s only known work, “Self-Portrait as Sphinx.” The talk is interrupted when uniformed men intrude and unexpectedly arrest Lambert for murder. 

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