
AOC Loses Socialist Support for Not Being Anti-Israel Enough

Reading Time: 2 minutes

AOC has lost the support of the Democratic Socialists of America over recent votes on issues related to the war in Israel. While AOC has long condemned the nation of Israel, she has now come under fire for not being anti-Israel enough. 

From Breitbart. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), or AOC, who has led opposition to Israel in Congress, lost her endorsement Wednesday by the national leadership of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for not being anti-Israel enough.

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In a statement, the DSA listed its reasons for rescinding its endorsement. These included the fact that AOC voted in favor of a resolution declaring that objecting to Israel’s right to exist amounted to antisemitism; that she signed a letter backing the Iron Dome, the anti-terror missile defense system developed by Israel to protect civilians; and that she recently participated in a panel discussion with two experts on antisemitism who oppose boycotts of “Zionists.” …

The statement reads, in part:

We recognize that AOC has taken many courageous positions on Palestine such as co-sponsoring several House Resolutions (3103, 786, 496), naming Israel’s genocide as well as opposing House Resolution 894. However, members have raised their concerns regarding a number of her votes, including a vote in favor of H.Res.888, conflating opposition to Israel’s “right to exist” with antisemitism. AOC also co-signed a press release on April 20, 2024, that “support[s] strengthening the Iron Dome and other defense systems”

Finally, AOC recently hosted a public panel with leaders from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, lobbyists for the IHRA definition of antisemitism. On this panel, anti-Zionism and antisemitism were conflated and boycotting Zionist institutions was condemned. This sponsorship is a deep betrayal to all those who’ve risked their welfare to fight Israeli apartheid and genocide …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Dimitri Rodriguez –, CC BY 2.0,

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