
Election Strife Is a Spiritual Problem – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 4 minutes

It appears that the upcoming presidential election will be more hotly contended than any previous one. At the international level, reports have surfaced that Russia is actively trying to spread disinformation about Biden and the Democrats.

The Dutch news site ( – you have to use the translation feature in your browser to read it in English!) reports that two of its intelligence services and the National Police have helped the FBI and the U.S. Cyber National Mission Force disrupt the creation of thousands of troll accounts aimed at spreading misinformation within the U.S. According to a corroborating article by NBC News, this is part of an effort by the Russian government to undercut military aid to Ukraine and put the U.S. and its European allies in a bad light. It is not the first time. Russia made similar efforts in the 2016 election, according to a 1,000-page report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee in August 2020.

Russia is not alone. China is also hard at work in influencing the election outcome in their favor. According to a blog post by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has issued a statement, saying: “Beijing is expanding its global covert influence posture to better support the CCP’s goals. The PRC aims to sow doubts about U.S. leadership, undermine democracy, and extend Beijing’s influence.” In addition, the New York Times reported that covert Chinese internet accounts are posing as fake Trump supporters spreading conspiracy theories, stoking domestic divisions, and attacking President Biden ahead of the election in November.

The unholy alliance of Russia, China, and on their coattails, Iran and North Korea, want a weak America because it stands in their way to achieve global economic, political, and military hegemony and “retake” territories they claim as theirs. That threat is perceived as imminent elsewhere in the world. As they see America weakening, Japan is now rapidly beefing up its military to defend a string of islands China claims historically belong to them.

International tensions are not the only indications that this election will be hard-fought. Domestic political strife is also building, primarily through lawfare. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has announced plans to push through legislation to strip Trump of any immunity against prosecution of 2020 election interference granted by a recent Supreme Court ruling.

That, and other rulings vehemently opposed by liberals, has prompted attacks on the Supreme Court itself – most recently by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who filed articles of impeachment against Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, accusing them of “unchecked corruption.”

Another reason why prayer for election protection is needed is the increasing threat of violence in the aftermath of the election – no matter who wins. According to a recent article on, extremists on both ends of the political spectrum appear to be willing to resort to violence and are even preparing for it. They represent a political environment that is increasingly tolerant of violence. A survey conducted last year found that 23 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” Other reports have indicated that 46% of Americans believe that civil war is likely.

Why Election Strife Is a Spiritual Problem

God has established the United States of America as a relatively young superpower to advance His kingdom’s purposes worldwide. Through the centuries, we have fought to abolish tyranny and promote democratic ideals. We have seen great revivals start here and sweep through the world. The Church in the United States has contributed significantly to world missions – primarily through the influx of money, missionaries, strategic thinking, and research. Our nation’s strength is vital for the balance of power that counterweighs totalitarianism, which hates and suppresses the Church. For that reason, Satan wants the United States to be weak, in bondage to anti-Christian governments, and insignificant in its contribution to the Great Commission.

According to Ephesians 6:12, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

What seems like political strife, international interference, widespread deception, and tolerance for violence is not the work of people but of demonic forces working in and through people. We recognize the devil’s schemes by the fear, misinformation, strife, fractions, divisions, and hatred being stirred up in ever greater measure.

All that makes election protection primarily a spiritual problem and a matter of urgent and persistent prayer. That is where the battles are fought, and the victory of God’s will on earth is won. We must pray for divine election protection.

How to Pray

An ongoing prayer cover is needed for the election season and its aftermath –guided by well-informed, faith-filled intercession led by the Holy Spirit, Who helps us know what to pray (see Romans 8:26).

Here are a few areas for prayer that come to mind:

  • Pray for both Presidential candidates’ mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
  • Pray for ongoing exposure of illegal national and international schemes to interfere with the election.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir a desire for truth, justice, and peace in the hearts of all Americans.
  • Pray for God’s hand to restrain extremists who could stir up violence.
  • Pray for wise and sensible election platforms that inspire voters and not discourage and divide them.
  • Pray for ongoing protection of the Supreme Court against lawfare and unfair impeachment.

Lord of hosts, command Your angel army to protect our upcoming election from foreign meddling, fraud, strife, and violence for the sake of Your love for justice and truth. Ignite a desire for peace, truth, and justice in the hearts of the American people that outweighs and outshouts those calling for violence. Above all, may Your will be done and Your kingdom come in this election. May the unrest lead to many turning back to Christ for hope, purpose, and peace. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ.

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