
Report reveals John Deere trains staff to snitch on those who object to men using women’s restrooms – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — John Deere, once perceived as an all-American farm and heavy equipment manufacturer with values aligned with the nation’s heartland, is again in the news as more reports of the company’s dedication to woke Marxist ideals continue to surface, thanks to conservative filmmaker Robby Starbuck.

On July 9, Starbuck published a video about his findings to X/Twitter, detailing how the company has “gone woke” under the leadership of CEO John May.

According to the review, John Deere is engaged in a variety of overtures to LGBT activists, including solicitation of employees’ “preferred pronouns,” gender-identity training using the infamous “genderbread person” visual aid, and sponsorship of a “pride” event for children as young as three.

The company also reportedly touts a “total commitment” to the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) framework, including having its accounting and finance team participate in the United Way’s 21-day “United for Equity” training program and various race- and sexuality-base identity groups at its corporate offices.

But more information about John Deere’s troubling woke internal policies and corporate ideology has come to Starbuck as a result of his earlier reporting.

“What you’re about to see may be the single craziest training video that I’ve ever seen,” Starbuck began in a follow-up report Friday on X. He explained:

A John Deere source sent me this video where employees are trained on what to do if they overhear employees saying that they’re uncomfortable with trans identifying men in women’s restrooms.

So what’s an employee supposed to do if they overhear this discomfort from their female colleagues? Report them because it’s a “violation” of THE MAN’S privacy. Seriously.

The training goes on to say that “trans women are women, and they’ve never not been a woman,” so it’s “not accurate” to say that they used to be a man. This is absolutely absurd.

“Does John Deere know who they sell farming equipment to?” Starbuck asked. “This lunacy needs to stop.”

“More shocking news from John Deere: At John Deere, employee bonuses and pay raises are tied to their DEI performance,” Starbuck said in a subsequent post on X. “In fact, ‘DEI is the ONLY global behavioral performance metric upon which salaried employees are evaluated.’”



In what amounts to a humorous example of a supreme lack of corporate self-awareness, Starbuck posted a picture showing a John Deere tractor gracing John Deere-green “FOR THE FARMERS” Busch Light beer cans.

Busch Light is produced by Anheuser Busch, the same company that produces Bud Light, which inexplicably sacrificed millions of customers and billions of dollars in corporate value in the name of promoting transgenderism.

“This is too perfect,” Starbuck quipped. “I guess (John Deere is) the new Dylan Mulvaney!

Customer backlash

Starbuck’s investigative reporting triggered an instant backlash from customers.

“Lots of this going around as people find out what John Deere REALLY stands for now,” Starbuck wrote in a post on X showing a familiar green John Deere hat tossed away in a trash can.

Another explained on X how he is canceling his plans “to purchase a new 12 row folding head & high speed disk (+-$300k) this winter.”

“Will do my part to help inform local farmers. DEI and wokeism can’t be given an inch, my money will not support it,” he added.

In recent years, left-wing activists have used DEI and “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) standards to encourage major U.S. corporations to take favorable stands on political and cultural issues such as homosexuality, transgenderism, race relations, the environment, and abortion.

Political and customer backlashes to such activism has translated to business woes for companies such as Disney, Bud Light, Target, and, most recently, Tractor Supply, which late last month announced the abandonment of all its forays into left-wing causes and identity projects.

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