
California Democrats water down bill against child prostitution after pressure from LGBT activists – LifeSite

SACRAMENTO (LifeSiteNews) — Lawmakers in California have proposed legislation with the straightforward goal of strengthening penalties for soliciting sexual activity with a minor, but LGBT activists in the nation’s most far-left state have declared war on the measure, with their efforts already succeeding in weakening it.

Currently in California, someone who engages in prostitution with someone they either know or should have reasonably understood to be a minor is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by jail time anywhere from two days to one year, and/or a fine of up to $10,000. As originally introduced by Republican State Sen. Shannon Grove, SB 1414 would raise it to a felony, with penalties ranging from a minimum of two years to a maximum of four, and/or a fine of up to $25,000.

However, Hot Air reports that LGBT activists testified before the legislature that SB 1414 was “overly punitive,” would “disproportionately impact marginalized communities,” and would criminalize members of the so-called “LGBTQ community.” The legislature’s most notorious LGBT activist, openly homosexual Democrat state Sen. Scott Wiener, helped force the Public Safety Committee to agree to amendments stating that the new felony penalties would only apply to cases involving someone younger than 16 years of age.

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“Today the Assembly Public Safety Committee amended SB 1414, making it even harder to protect 16 and 17 year old children,” Grove responded July 2. “In order for 16 and 17 year olds to have additional protections, they must first prove to be victims of human trafficking. Now, two crimes must be proven, the buying AND the selling of a child, before a buyer can receive a stronger penalty. ALL children deserve to be protected equally. When will the Public Safety Committees prioritize the protection of all children over perpetrators?”

One Democrat lawmaker, state Sen. Susan Eggman, broke ranks with her party over the matter on the Senate floor.

“As a progressive proud member of this body for the last 12 years, I’m done,” she said. “I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done. I don’t want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don’t want more people in prison. But I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. And I’m tired of saying it’s okay.”

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“Here’s a different way to put it: members of the alphabet mafia are degenerate groomers and disproportionately likely to solicit minors for sex, so let’s not punish the traffickers in children more than we already do,” Hot Air’s David Strom commented. “Democrats are in a tizzy about the bill because it puts them in a bind. They don’t want to outright ADMIT that they are fine with pedos purchasing sex from kids is OK, but they don’t want to punish the actual sex offenders. So they have been on a mission to water down the bill.”

California under Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom is arguably the most aggressive state in the Union when it comes to forcing LGBT dictates on all aspects of society, from imposing fines on retailers who do not establish designated “gender-neutral” sections for children’s merchandise, to threatening the custody of parents who refuse to affirm their children’s gender confusion, to  housing “trans-identifying” males in women’s prison, to forcing teachers to withhold signs of a child’s gender dysphoria from their parents, to requiring hospital workers to undergo training for conformity to LGBT ideology.


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