
House Republicans vote to toss out Biden’s pro-LGBT Title IX rewrite – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — House Republicans passed a joint resolution this week that would do away with Joe Biden’s pro-LGBT overhauling of the Department of Education’s 1972 Title IX Amendment.

On Thursday, lawmakers voted 210-205 along party lines to approve H.J. Res. 165, which was introduced in June by Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois. The measure was co-sponsored by 70 of her fellow Republicans.

Kristen Waggoner, president and CEO of the pro-life law firm Alliance Defending Freedom, praised the vote on X.

“The Biden admin has … (been) telling girls to keep quiet while boys and men dominate their sports and enter their private spaces. The admin’s unlawful Title IX rewrite would force nearly every school in America to implement these kinds of dangerous and unjust policies,” she said.

The move comes amid a flurry of legal defeats on the matter for the Biden administration, which is seeking to expand Title IX’s non-discrimination clause to include “sexual orientation and gender identity.” Conservatives argue the measure would force public schools to adopt gender ideology.

On Tuesday, federal Judge John Broomes ruled against the administration, stating that “the court finds that the unambiguous plain language of the statutory provisions and the legislative history make clear that the term ‘sex’ means the traditional concept of biological sex in which there are only two sexes, male and female.”

Broomes’ decision temporarily adds Alaska, Kansas, Utah, and Wyoming to the list of states where the rewrite cannot be enforced.

Similar rulings have been handed down by U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty and U.S. District Judge Danny Reeves. Additionally, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor said that the administration’s earlier 2021 rewrite was unlawful, which, while not directly addressing the newest rule, is expected to bolster the legal case against it.

The total number of states where the rule cannot be enforced is now 14. The previously protected states are Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Female sports activist Riley Gaines believes the fight for protecting women’s athletics may be nearing its victory. “I feel the most hopeful now than I have felt at any point over these past two years,” she said at a recent “Take Back Title IX” bus stop rally in Washington D.C. She also called out House Democrats on X for voting against the bill.

While praiseworthy, Miller’s resolution is not likely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate, and the White House has already said it would veto the bill. At the same time, 26 states with Republican attorneys general have filed suit in federal court to block the administration’s rewrite from going into effect on August 1.

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