
Jack Posobiec at NatCon 4: ‘Globalists and their entire regime will be smashed to pieces’ – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C., (LifeSiteNews) — Catholic conservative commentator Jack Posobiec declared in no uncertain terms that “globalists and their entire regime will be smashed to pieces and scattered to the winds” after former President Donald Trump returns to the White House next year.

Speaking at the National Conservative (NatCon 4) conference this week in Washington, D.C., Posobiec repeatedly talked about how nothing less than the future of western civilization hangs in the balance on election day 2024.

“Consider the stakes,” urged Posobiec, a veteran Navy intelligence officer. “Steve Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist is now a political prisoner; Peter Navarro, President Trump’s former economic advisor, is now a political prisoner; Numerous J6ers are political prisoners; and the regime is now trying to make President Trump himself a political prisoner.”

“With stakes such as these, we cannot falter. We cannot hesitate. We must act,” he averred. “This is a no-fail mission.”

“We have no option but victory, and may the Sword of Saint Michael defend us,” he continued. “We are not the Christians who will be fed to the lions; we are the Christians who put on the full armor of God, to march into battle against Satan and all his works.”

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The ‘Law of Absolute Reciprocity’

Posobiec said that if Republicans win back the White House and both Houses of Congress in November, there is “a chance to save western civilization,” but chasing the “communists back into their urine-soaked faculty lounges” will hinge on conservative leaders being willing to turn the measures used for so long by neo-cultural Marxists against America against them.

“For too long, conservatives have only cared about principles but not about power,” he lamented, so “we must learn the lessons of past anti-communist revolutions” and invoke the “‘Law of Absolute Reciprocity’: Do unto others as they do unto you. That which is done to our side must be visited upon theirs.”

“I am talking about exact reciprocity,” he explained, suggesting that those interested in saving America must be as unyielding and ruthless as are the atheist globalist Marxists in their efforts to reshape the world according to their inhuman utopian vision:

Negotiations with a left such as this is not an option because we don’t negotiate with terrorists. If they are going to hold J6 investigations to target patriots, then we will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural-Marxists in seats of power all across Washington.

We don’t negotiate with globalist neo-Marxists; We don’t negotiate with a political version of an auto-immune disease … we don’t negotiate with “Unhumans.”

(These are) the stakes of this battle: Humanity versus unhumanity. Populist nationalist versus atheist-Marxist-globalist.  Strength, beauty, and genius versus weakness, ugliness, and stupidity. Civilization versus barbarism. Crime and chaos versus law and order.

Posobiec then shared his vision for a “new west” that would declaw the efforts of the globalists and promote sovereign nation states.

The globalists’ secular religion would be supplanted with “Greek philosophy, Roman law, and the values of the Holy Bible.”

“The new west will chart a course that respects the sovereignty of each nation while understanding and preserving our unique characteristics,” Posobiec said. “The new west will not seek to impose its will or act as the world’s police. Instead, we will focus on nurturing strong relationships around the world and around hemispheres.

That which globalism has sought to efface from the planet, must be preserved and caused to thrive.

Our commitment to this vision must be steadfast. We believe that each nation-state within the new west has a unique cultural heritage that must be preserved and celebrated. We recognize that the strength of our collective identity lies in the richness of our individual cultures.

To that end: We will implement policies that respect and uphold our national character, and this includes regulating migration in a way that preserves our cultural identities and our social fabric.

“This is our national destiny,” he proclaimed. “We will continue the civilizational project that was bequeathed to us by our forefathers. This is our duty.”

“We are the ones who will win,” he predicted. “And in four months, with our tenacity and grit, we will prevail.”

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