
5 Ways to Still Serve the Church When You Are Slowing Down

Continue to renew your mind with God’s Word, positive affirmation, and a grateful heart. In seasons of newness of uncertainty, having a renewed mind will help you stay encouraged and empowered as you serve. Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Our thoughts have the power to build up or tear down. When I allow my thoughts to wander, then fear, insecurity, envy, and anxiety set in. Many times, I have thoughts and create scenarios that are untrue and completely contrary to God’s Word. 

God can renew your mind with what He has written in the Holy Scriptures because His words help you combat negative thoughts. A renewed mind revolutionizes your focus and changes the trajectory of your life. 

Today, I encourage you to realign your thoughts and renew your mind to speak life and hope over your present circumstances.

Renew your mind, to be free from negative thinking.

Renew your mind, to move forward in your God-given purpose.

Renew your mind, to stay connected to God’s Holy Word.

Renew your mind, to overcome the schemes of the enemy.

Renew your mind, to be equipped and empowered to pursue your purpose with boldness.

If you find yourself in the season where God is calling you to step or scale back from serving your local church or ministry, be encouraged. There are many ways to stay connected, grow in your faith, and serve in meaningful ways. Celebrate the diverse ways in which God has used you, your church and pray for wisdom on how to stay connected in this new season. While your involvement may look different, it is no less impactful. God will continue to use you to minister to the needs and hearts of His people, and stay engaged with the ministries of your local church. Be open to this new season and how God will continue to use you.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Tutye

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