Covenantal Holiness

Written by Rowland S. Ward | Monday, July 15, 2024 When a person becomes a believer but his spouse does …

Are Human Rights a Fantasy?

For most of history, as Holland described in his book ‘Dominion’, the idea that humans have “self-evident” rights to “life, …

Spurgeon and the Sabbath: A Day of Joy

What caused Dickens and Spurgeon to have opposite attitudes on the Sabbath? Spurgeon believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and …

Self-Creation Only Dehumanizes Us

Puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgery are all used to relieve suffering—not physical suffering, but the psychological and …

Thomas S. Williamson, Missionary Physician of Souls

Dr. Williamson walked every Saturday to Mankato to preach to four hundred Dakota men imprisoned by the government during a …

10 Hidden Spiritual Lessons in Inside Out 2

God invites us to enjoy the life he has given us with freedom. One of Riley’s mainstays from both Inside …