
Poll Finds Most American Citizens Want Fewer Immigrants – American Faith

According to a new Gallup poll, a majority of Americans want fewer immigrants coming into the United States for the first time since 2005.

The survey reportedly found that 55% of American adults want fewer immigrants to come into the country, while 41% said that they want immigration to remain at its present levels.

“Gallup also found that all three political affiliations – Republicans, Democrats, and independents – are more likely to support less immigration than last year. While 73% of Republicans said they wanted immigration to decrease in 2023, the figure now stands at an overwhelming 88%,” the Daily Wire reported.

“The share of independents who want immigration to be cut rose significantly from 2023 to 2024, starting at 39% last year before spiking to 50% in 2024. Just 18% of Democrats said that immigration should be reduced in 2023. Now, in 2024, 28% of Democrats want to reduce immigration,” the outlet continued.

Last month, immigration experts outlined a number of problems with Biden’s handling of the border.

These problems include potential gaps in the order’s funding that could allow for a rise in deportations, as well as potentially exploitable exemptions.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) believes that Mexican cartels are already working to decipher the new regulations and figure out how to get around them.

Grassley sent a statement to the Washington Examiner: “If history is any guide, expect the Biden administration to continue to flout the law while dishonest people hunt for ways around the restrictions.

The senator expressed concerns that the order’s excessive number of exceptions may cause issues for ICE and the Border Patrol.

“This could very well encourage more illegal immigration at non-ports of entry and further exploitation of unaccompanied children, who are exempted from the order entirely,” he said. 

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