
The Great Commission: The foundation for evangelism | Dr. Sam Currin – Blue Ridge Christian News

The Great Commission: The foundation for evangelism

By Dr. Sam CurrinSam Currin Raleigh, NC


Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV) says, “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” 

Jesus’s final words, best known as the “Great Commission,” are full of action: go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. It defines the mission of the church. It is the essence of evangelism.

My boyhood church, Oxford Baptist, took the Great Commission seriously. I recall the numerous youth evangelistic programs and especially the annual revivals (with both morning and evening services) where I saw firsthand the concern exhibited by our pastors and lay leaders for the unchurched in our town. Little wonder then that I hardly knew anyone who did not attend church or at least claim church membership.

Fast forward to 2024. To paraphrase Oz’s Dorothy, “We’re not in Oxford anymore.” Steep declines in church membership and attendance are the norm. Church closures are becoming more commonplace. Entire denominations find themselves doctrinally adrift and facing an uncertain future.

All of which brings me back to the Great Commission. Despite its fundamental significance to Christianity, recent studies and surveys have revealed that if you asked 76% of self-identified churchgoers what the Great Commission is they would not be able to tell you. A rather bleak diagnosis to say the least.

American Christians need to understand that the Matthew 28 commands are not just for missionaries who go overseas, church planters, or ministers, but it is for all Christians. With that in mind, let me suggest eight reasons we should strive to be more intentional and obedient in pursuing evangelism both personally and through the local church.

First, we have an incredible message to share. The gospel teaches that Christ died a sacrificial death on the cross to pay the price for our sin and break its power in our lives. This is why the gospel is called the “Good News.”

Second, we evangelize because Jesus commanded us to. This is a call for every person who claims to be a follower of Christ. It is not an optional endeavor.

Third, we evangelize because hell is real. The Bible describes this place in graphic terms and we should pray that God would use us to save as many people as possible from that terrible reality.

Fourth, considering the reality of hell, we evangelize because we love the lost. We aren’t trying to win an argument here; rather, we are trying to win souls. To truly love people is to share the gospel with them.

Fifth, we evangelize because we are God’s means to reconcile the world to Himself. He entrusts us to take his saving message to all peoples.

Sixth, we evangelize because tomorrow is not promised. We share the gospel because we never know when the Lord will either return or call us home.

Seventh, we evangelize because it sanctifies us. You will find that you often pray for strength when you are sharing the gospel with people.

Eighth and finally, we evangelize because we love God. This is perhaps the most important reason. We share our testimony not out of duty or dread, but because we want to see the Lord rightly honored and worshipped.

The breathtaking success of the early Christians was defined by their devotion to the Great Commission. It remains the foundation for evangelism in the church today.


Dr. Sam Currin ([email protected]), a former judge, law professor, and United States Attorney lives in Raleigh. An ordained Baptist minister, he holds degrees from Wake Forest University, UNC School of Law, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 


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