
Jenny Weaver, Jennifer LeClaire Expose Prophetic Deception

In a time where prophecy is abundant, we must still use wisdom and discernment to make sure that what we are accepting as truth is from the Lord and not from a false prophet.

“It’s based on prophecy, so prophetic witchcraft is essentially false prophecy, but it’s the source of the prophecy that’s so concerning because we know that prophecy speaks the mind, the heart the will of God over a person, a situation, a nation,” LeClaire says. “Prophetic witchcraft can actually lead people astray.”

LeClaire points out that Jezebel was known for this prophetic witchcraft as she seduced people away from the living God.

“I fell like we’ve been tolerating some of this stuff too much. Nobody’s really called it out or confronted it, and now we’re seeing it manifest in the most unusual ways,” Sparks says.

Jenny Weaver acknowledges that people have become so mesmerized by any and every single prophecy they hear that they have placed it above sound doctrine.

Weaver’s experience of being part of an occultic church has helped her to see the difference between true and false prophecy.

“You couldn’t say anything, you couldn’t do anything, you gave all your money. If you even blinked at another church or anything else you were isolated,” Weaver says. “It was the worst, most horrific thing ever and that is not the church of the Lord Jesus Christ that I see in the Bible,” Weaver says.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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