
Danielle Smith blasts Trudeau for ‘crippling’ carbon tax driving Canadians families into poverty – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Alberta Premier Danielle Smith slammed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for “crippling” Canadians with his carbon tax.

In a July 15 post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Smith refuted Trudeau’s claim that carbon tax rebates offset the increased cost of fuel for Canadians under the carbon tax scheme, citing data from the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

“Unless you pollute an awful lot, you’re getting more money back through the Canada Carbon Rebate than you pay into it,” Trudeau had posted.

“Conservative politicians would scrap the price on pollution — and your rebate,” he claimed.

“Prime Minister- Canadians don’t believe this,” Smith responded.

“Your carbon tax is crippling us, making everything more expensive. The cost of fuel, less food in the shopping cart, and extra fees on our utility bills,” she continued.

“Even your own Parliamentary Budget Officer confirms that this tax will devastate Canada’s economy, costing billions and pushing families further into hardship,” Smith revealed. “This tax needs to go.”

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, an October Parliamentary Budget Officer report found that Trudeau’s carbon tax is costing Canadians hundreds of dollars annually as government rebates remain insufficient to compensate for the increased fuel prices.

The increased costs are only expected to rise. A recent report revealed that a carbon tax of more than $350 per tonne is needed to reach Trudeau’s net-zero goals by 2050.

Currently, Canadians living in provinces under the federal carbon pricing scheme pay $80 per tonne, but the Trudeau government has a goal of $170 per tonne by 2030.

On April 1, Trudeau increased the carbon tax by 23 percent despite seven of 10 provincial premiers and 70 percent of Canadians pleading with him to halt his plan.

In fact, not only is the carbon tax costing Canadian families hundreds of dollars annually, but Liberals have admitted that the carbon tax has only reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 1 percent.

However, despite this and appeals from both politicians and Canadians, Trudeau remains determined to increase the carbon tax.

The Trudeau government’s current environmental goal – which are in lockstep with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – include phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades.

The reduction and eventual elimination of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum, the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved.

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