
Trump vs. Biden: In swing state Nevada, it’s the housing

President Joe Biden is back in Nevada this week, and he’s talking about affordable housing – again. It’s high on the minds of voters, crucially in swing states like this one and next door in Arizona. Mr. Biden won both states in 2020; now they’re tilting toward former President Donald Trump.

“We’re going to make sure you own more and owe less,” Mr. Biden said in Las Vegas Tuesday, touting a plan that would impose a 5% cap on rent increases and eliminate student debt, among other initiatives.

Housing is a tricky one for presidents. Local officials tend to have much more sway than Washington does. And often, Congress needs to approve – as with the rent cap that the president mentioned. At the same time, affordable housing has been dubbed a “sleeper issue” in the presidential election. 

Why We Wrote This

Low housing stock and inflation woes have put homeownership out of reach for many Americans. In swing states like Nevada, political strategists say this “sleeper issue” could tip the presidential election.

But that’s only if you haven’t been talking to voters, says David Byler, chief of research at the polling firm Noble Predictive Insights in Phoenix. “Housing affordability is a huge issue in Nevada – and it’s a huge issue across the nation.”

Housing woes, despite a strong economy

The problem is particularly acute here in the Silver State, where a growing population and shrinking housing inventory exacerbate the problem. The housing crunch may help answer the mystery of why voters still list “inflation” and “the economy” as top concerns, even though the inflation rate is about two-thirds lower than in 2022. The overall economy and jobs have also trended favorably, with both continuing to grow since their pandemic plunge.

But dive into the polls, and you hit a big rock of unaffordable housing. Inflation is a top response in almost every survey, says Mr. Byler, and “for a lot of people, inflation involved housing prices.”

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