
For many Republicans, Trump’s near miss signals ‘God is involved’

Plenty of people from across the political spectrum invoked God in expressing gratitude for former President Donald Trump’s survival of the shocking weekend assassination attempt.

But for some fervent Trump supporters, the event signaled not only God’s protection but also a larger, divinely ordained plan to return him to the Oval Office. At the Republican National Convention this week, many have described it as part of a broader good-versus-evil struggle.

Why We Wrote This

Donald Trump’s survival of a would-be assassin’s bullet is a sign of God’s hand at work, many Republicans say – a belief in a divine purpose that raises the existential stakes of the campaign.

“Saturday was a defining moment,” says Jim Kasper, a North Dakota state representative and delegate. “I think that event will go down in the history books as maybe the event that changed the course of a nation.” 

The intertwining of religion and politics has deep roots in the Republican Party. And in one poll last year, among adherents of Christian nationalism, 84% agreed with the statement “If the U.S. moves away from our Christian foundations, we will not have a country anymore.”

The overtly religious language at this week’s convention has at times been paired with an us-versus-them attitude, directly linking the assassination attempt – perpetrated by a young man whose political views remain unclear – to Democratic campaign rhetoric attacking Mr. Trump.

As former President Donald Trump prepared to enter the Republican National Convention for the first time on Monday after surviving a shocking weekend assassination attempt, his friend and country singer Lee Greenwood invoked a higher power.

“Prayer works! … The bullet missed him just enough to save his life – to be the next president of the United States,” Mr. Greenwood told the crowd, as Mr. Trump waited just off the convention floor. “We have believed for so long that God will make some changes in this country. And He’s about to make a change to the current administration and send them home.”

Mr. Greenwood then launched into his familiar hit “God Bless the U.S.A.” as the former president entered the arena to thunderous applause. The crowd broke into “USA! USA!” before switching to the words Mr. Trump himself mouthed as he was rushed off the stage after a bullet grazed his ear last Saturday: “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Why We Wrote This

Donald Trump’s survival of a would-be assassin’s bullet is a sign of God’s hand at work, many Republicans say – a belief in a divine purpose that raises the existential stakes of the campaign.

The moment was cathartic. And Mr. Greenwood’s suggestion – that Mr. Trump was saved by God so that he can recapture the White House – has been a consistent theme throughout the week here, with Republican officials and delegates alike painting their bloodied but unbowed leader as a hero of near-biblical proportions.

Plenty of people from across the political spectrum invoked God in expressing gratitude for Mr. Trump’s survival. President Joe Biden said he was keeping Mr. Trump and family in his prayers. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi posted, “Thank God that former President Trump is safe.” 

But for some fervent Trump supporters, his survival signals not only God’s protection but also a larger, divinely ordained plan to return him to the Oval Office. In primetime speeches and conversations on the convention floor, many here describe it as part of a broader good-versus-evil struggle encapsulated in the election, further raising the existential stakes of the race.

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