
Liberal MP bizarrely suggests that restricting abortion, contraception would harm newborn babies – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A pro-abortion Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) bizarrely implied that the health of “newborns” is at risk because of legislation restricting abortion. 

In a July 16 post on X, Liberal MP and abortion champion Dr. Hedy Fry stated that she was attending a conference to discuss the “risks” posed to mothers and their newborn babies from legislation restricting abortion and contraception.   

“Reelected Co-Chair of Can Assoc of Parls for Pop Development (CAPPD), with Sen McPhedran,” she posted with a picture of the Zoom meeting. “Concern at AGM [Annual General Meeting] over the risk to Women’s health & that of their newborns as extreme right govts deny access to contraception & safe abortion globally.” 

Campaign Life Coalition’s (CLC) director of communications Pete Baklinski was quick to point out the absurdity of her statement. 

“Liberal MP Dr. Fry is pro-abortion,” he wrote in an X post. “She believes that mothers should not be hindered in any way from k*lling their own children who have yet to be born.” 

“Here she is posting about concern for the health of newborns in the same sentence as she raises concern about ‘extreme right’ governments, whoever that may be, who deny access to abortion,” he continued.  

“Does she even read what she writes?” he questioned, adding, “One cannot seriously champion newborns and abortion in the same sentence without the highest degree of cognitive dissonance.” 

However, considering her past work as a family doctor how has delivered “close to 500 babies,” Fry should know first-hand that newborns have the same dignify as those in the womb.   

It’s unclear what Fry meant by her X post, but it does appear strange if Fry was advocating for mothers, newborns, and murdering pre-born children all in the same breath. However, her statement is even more concerning if it is taken as subtle advocacy for infanticide.   

In Canada, the line between abortion and infanticide is often blurred since Canada has no abortion law, meaning that babies can legally be murdered up to the moment of their birth.  

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, in 2013, former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government refused to investigate Statistics Canada data that reported that 491 babies were left to die after they were born alive following failed abortions. 

“Abortion is legal in Canada,” he said at the time.  

Similarly, in 2011, an Alberta judge suggested that infanticide is merely an extremely late term abortion while ruling in a case where a young mother strangled her newborn and tossed the corpse over the fence into the yard of one of her neighbors. 

“While many Canadians undoubtedly view abortion as a less than ideal solution to unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy, they generally understand, accept, and sympathize with the onerous demands pregnancy and childbirth exact from mothers, especially mothers without support,” the judge said.  

Indeed, infanticide is often the next step for abortion activists who deny the dignity of human life, with many abortionists having been exposed for murdering babies born alive during abortion procedures.  

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