
Donald Trump, JD Vance pose a serious threat to globalists and their ‘forever war’ agenda – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — As Joe Biden has withdrawn from the U.S. presidential election in November 2024, a Donald Trump presidency seems ever more likely.

What would that mean for the world? Would it be better – or worse – than what has gone before, and why?

Pro-life ‘abandoned’

Trump and his new vice presidential pick J.D. Vance have “abandoned the principle” of pro-life politics, according to Catholic philosopher Edward Feser. This moral high ground has been surrendered voluntarily, Feser says. Yet though clearly imperfect, the Trump-Vance project appears not to be the enemy of the good. If the promises made are realized, a Trump administration could be the end of many of the evils of globalism altogether.

“If” – this is the key word to the question of Trump 2024. If Trump and Vance mean what they say about Ukraine, about the neoconservative forever war project, about NATO, China, and even about Israel, then for their grave moral faults their agenda will result in a far lesser evil than the one we currently endure.

Vance has endorsed the over-the-counter abortion drug mifepristone, advocating a convenient end to unwanted lives.

READ: Why are pro-lifers whitewashing JD Vance’s support for deadly abortion pills?

Feser said this about the move, and those of Trump, arguing on July 10 that this is no mere compromise.

Compromise would be maintaining the principle of abolishing abortion while allowing that little can be done at the moment practically to advance it. Going so far as officially removing the anti-abortion plank from the party platform, and supporting the abortion pill, are not compromise, but abandonment of the principle.

This is appalling and, as Feser also points out, has resulted in outrage in the MAGA movement. This outrage is not directed at Trump or Vance, however. Feser recapped the situation on July 15:

So, to sum up:

1. Trump has gutted the GOP platform of its pro-life plank

2. He chose as his running mate a man who supports mifepristone, responsible for half the abortions in the U.S.

3. Hordes of “pro-life” MAGA folks are absolutely enraged at… those who object to 1 and 2

The case that a Trump-Vance ticket is not perfect is made. Why then is it not the enemy of the good?

Anti-war is pro-life

Both Trump and Vance say they are opposed to the other cherished industry of death championed by the liberal-globalists. They have both denounced the “forever wars” of the neoconservatives and liberal interventionists.  

Vance and Trump say they will only fight wars “in the American interest.” They want an end to the Ukraine war, which  – like that in Gaza – would stop as soon as the U.S. stopped funding it. 

READ: JD Vance’s foreign policy would bring needed change on Ukraine but not on Israel

Their argument about the U.S. national interest is compelling. Not only are American lives wasted in permanent wars “for democracy” – as Vance describes them in the speech above – but the NATO-based system through which they are fought comes at tremendous financial cost to the United States.

This is a burden that Trump and Vance say the U.S. should no longer bear. Trump has also suggested that Taiwan pay the U.S. for its protection, instead of U.S. taxpayers footing the bill.

A unique summary of the Trump-Vance platform is given by The Duran. If they mean it, a Trump victory would be the end of the liberal-globalist era. If.

The heresy of the obvious

To point out the obvious about foreign policy is taboo in the West. Everything that is obvious is so deeply controversial as to be immediately denounced as enemy propaganda.

The fact that Ukraine cannot win the war, and never had a hope of so doing, is one example of how the obvious is heresy to the liberal globalists.

Another is that Taiwan is an island off the coast of China, which is also thousands of miles away from the U.S. and Europe.

Even the question of Israel’s status as an “ally” of the U.S. has been revisited by Vance, whose pro-Israel position was quietly tempered in a speech in May by his mention of a need to re-examine the nature of this putative alliance – and how it must develop under a future Trump-Vance administration.

He cited the 2020 Abraham Accords, announced under then-President Trump, as a basis towards a new security arrangement in the Middle East. The vision of cooperation presented in the accords is a direct challenge to the eliminationist policies of Benjamin Netanyahu, whose entire career has been dedicated to the destruction of a peace process which Vance now seems to promote. Vance’s vision of U.S. withdrawal from policing the Middle East requires cooperation between the “Sunni states” of the region with Israel, which is impossible under Netanyahu.

Reading between the lines, the writing is on the wall for Netanyahu. His forthcoming visit to Congress must be understood as his last chance to preserve his political future from the outbreak of peace.

A revised U.S.-Israel ‘alliance’

Daniel Larison at Responsible Statecraft criticizes Vance and Trump for their “hawkish” positions on China and Israel. Yet others have pointed out that Trump simply requires an “amicable divorce” from dependence on Chinese supply and manufacturing chains.

As for Israel, Larison is right to caution that “[i]t is impossible to see how implicating the U.S. in the war crimes of its clients serves American interests or makes Americans any safer.”

On July 18, Responsible Statecraft then reported that the formerly dominant neoconservatives are “melting down” over the existential threat to their power base they recognize in Trump and Vance.

A similar picture of crisis is painted in the domestic media of Israel.

Israel’s own press recognizes the international isolation it has suffered due to Netanyahu’s horrific Gaza campaign. Aside from accusations from the hostages’ families that he has “sacrificed” them to keep the war going, a case can be made that it is Netanyahu himself who is hostage to a process of escalation in the region.

The reason Israel matters so much is the enormous influence it exerts over the U.S. political establishment. To continue business as usual is to shackle the U.S. to an Israeli leader who faces prison if he moves towards peace.

Netanyahu is boxed into escalation by his coalition partners. The extreme Zionists Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have both repeatedly insisted that any move towards ending the war will see them withdraw support and collapse Netanyahu’s coalition. He would then face criminal charges of corruption and almost certainly be imprisoned.

The United States is hostage to Netanyahu’s fortune. His only way forward is to war with Lebanon, which will also mean war with Russian-allied Iran. This is a war Israel cannot win, and his gamble is that this fact will trigger the full-scale engagement of the U.S.

READ: Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem thanks LifeSiteNews readers for supporting Gaza students

Netanyahu is now traveling to Washington, D.C. ahead of his scheduled speech to Congress on July 27. He is likely to press Congress to back a war with Iran.

Yet both Trump and Vance have said the war in Gaza should end quickly. Both wish to avoid a wider conflict in the Middle East. Trump said that Netanyahu must “finish up” the war in Gaza – effectively saying the Israeli leader must go to jail.

This pact with the devil is the detail which shows the degree of danger in the present moment. The liberal-globalist leadership of the West is in the same situation as Netanyahu. The Biden admin, NATO, the E.U., and Britain have all staked their political future on a war in Ukraine that Trump and Vance have vowed to end.

Far from “abandoning Ukraine to Putin,” the Trump-Vance platform recognizes that three decades of neoconservatism and its neoliberal economics has strengthened America’s rivals enormously.

Both men see how the U.S. made a tremendous mistake in offshoring its manufacturing to China. Vance says the wars in Iraq and Syria have massively expanded Iranian influence. The Ukraine war has “deindustrialized” Europe, its dependence as a “client state” of the U.S., leaving it largely incapable of defending itself.

It also suffers a tragic lack of diplomats, having relied for decades instead on the power of sanctions and military action backed up by the U.S. in place of negotiations for a stable and prosperous future. The E.U.’s new chief diplomat is anti-Russian warhawk Kaja Kallas, for example.

Project neocon is over, say Trump and Vance, because it has been a disaster for the U.S. and its allies, and has powered its designated enemies to ascendancy. This is the end of the line for the political elite of the liberal-globalists of the West.

End of the era of the WEF?

For globalism more generally, the outlook is terminal. Yuval Noah Harari, the secular Jewish homosexualist mouthpiece for the World Economic Forum, said in January that a Trump victory would sound the “death blow to what remains of the global order.”

Globalist-liberals double down

In recent days, the E.U. chief commissioner Ursula von der Leyen and the new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer have both renewed their commitment to supporting Ukraine “for as long as it takes.”

The months between now and the election may be the last gasp of the globalist death cult, whose business as usual of forever war looks certain to be closed down should Trump win in November.

They will not go quietly. Former U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron revealed last month that it is NATO policy to cause maximum damage to Russia over this summer – in a desperate attempt to compel Trump to continue the war in Ukraine. Netanyahu is almost certain to appeal for U.S. support to escalate to war with Iran. In Europe and in Israel, the U.S. faces a choice between life and death on a scale unseen for generations. If we survive the next six months, there is every hope that the argument for life will shape the future.

Chaos or survival?

With the French and German governments dissolving over the growing populist rejection of the dissolving liberal-global order, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been attacked for his unilateral peace mission. His efforts appear to have been rewarded, in a further sign of the changing times, with the first admission by Volodymyr Zelensky that the Russians should be present in the next peace negotiations over Ukraine.

Orbán’s good deed has not gone unpunished, with the E.U. seeking to boycott the Hungarian presidency of the E.U. as a result. Why? Orbán’s shuttle diplomacy has sidelined the pro-war E.U., showing there is an alternative to their permanent war policy.

There is hope in the agenda of the realism of Trump and Vance. If only they mean what they say, and if only they get to say it in power, then the world will indeed be one shaped by far lesser evil. In fact, the situation is so grave that it reduces to a simple choice: who shall see the future? It is a question of them and us: the masters of war, or the millions who suffer their consequences.

Politics now is a question of survival. It is life and death. The argument for life is the death of the industry of killing, which is the business of the globalists. They have told you this themselves.

They know they are finished. The question now is how much damage they can cause on their way down. The globalists take seriously the terminal threat to their industry of death represented by Trump and Vance. It is to be hoped, for the cause of life generally, that these men carry it out.

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