
How do Christians Feel about Israel? – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the war between the IDF and Hamas in Gaza continues, how do America’s many Christians feel about the nation of Israel?

From All Israel News. The Messianic Jewish organization Chosen People Ministries released results of a survey conducted earlier this year that measured the impact of the Gaza War on Christian views of Israel and the Jews.

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The survey was conducted between March 8-14, 2024 and included 2,033 self-identified Christian adults with a ±2.2 margin of error. Chosen People was a major sponsor of the study, along with the Alliance for the Peace of Jerusalem, and by Jews and Christians seeking a better understanding of the Israel-Hamas conflict and concerned with the rising tide of antisemitism today. …

The survey revealed that Evangelical Christians are more likely to support Israel rather than Palestinians in the current Gaza War, while support for Israel was less pronounced among Roman Catholic Christians.  …

Agreement with the statement, “God’s covenant with the Jewish people remains intact today,” was the greatest indicator of support for Israel among the various factors examined. There was a three-fold increase in support for Israel among respondents who agreed with that belief. Almost half (48%) of all respondents reported believing God’s covenant with the Jewish people remains intact today.

Approximately the same number (48%) said they believe “the Jewish people have the right to the land of Israel by the covenant God made with Abraham.” …

The survey showed that respondents among the those aged 50 to 64 showed the most support for Israel, while respondents under age 30 were 47% less likely to support Israel compared to those over 65.

Some of the major findings of the survey were:

  • 87% of all respondents are concerned about antisemitism in America today, with only 12% not particularly worried by the current levels of antisemitism in the United States.
  • 48% of respondents believe it is “definitely” antisemitic to say Israel does not have the right to exist, and another 14% believe such views are “to some extent” …
  • 49% of respondents blame “mostly Hamas” for the current war; only 8% ascribe blame to “mostly Israel;” 39% blame “both sides equally;” and 4% blame “someone else.” …

Dr. Inbari and Dr. Bumin found that mainline Protestant clergy are increasingly becoming pro-Palestinian and supporting progressive values, while their congregants may not be. …

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(Excerpt from All Israel News. Photo Credit: on Unsplash)

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