
Kim Clement, Amanda Grace Prophecies on Exposure Coming to America – Charisma News

During a time when it seems as though America has never been more divided, it could very well be possible that this time of great shaking will also be the moment of great exposure to the nation and to the church.

In an interview with Charisma Media, Donné Clement Petruska, Kim Clement’s daughter, and Amanda Grace shared prophetic insights about this period of time we’re in right now.

Petruska said that this exposure her father prophesied about would deal with intelligent agencies, leadership and churches.

Grace shared two prophetic words that she had with Charisma, one from Oct. 6,2020 and another from July 11, 2024. In the October 2020 word, Amanda Grace heard that there would be a “clash of the titans” as we’ve never seen before.

“There shall be a clash of the titans in Washington, D.C. the likes of which has never been seen,” Grace prophesied. “And there shall be those exposed in both parties who have been liaisons for wicked interests of foreign entities…the trumpet will sound, the trumpet will sound in the midst of all this happening, the trumpet will sound says the Lord, for I, the Lord am making an unexpected move that will catch the enemy, his alliance and those involved in the darkest of dealings off guard, off-kilter, a surprise attack.”

Grace’s 2020 prophecy further talks about the shocking, infighting that will happen within groups and a major player falling.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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