
Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas try again – in Beijing – to build a coalition government

Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed a declaration in Beijing vowing to form a government together, the groups said July 23, in the latest attempt at resolving their long rivalry.

Both sides said the accord, which provided no guarantees or timeline, was only an initial step. Previous such declarations have failed, raising doubt over whether the China-sponsored negotiations might lead to a resolution between Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip for the past 17 years, and Fatah, the main force in the U.S.-backed Palestinian Authority that administers parts of the occupied West Bank.

Israel swiftly denounced the agreement. The United States and other Western countries have refused to accept any Palestinian government that includes Hamas unless it expressly recognizes Israel – a factor that has helped wreck past unity attempts, along with the factions’ own competition for power.

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