
“Hey Mom, I’m Trans!”: The Gender Dysphoria Deception – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 7 minutes

“Hey, Mom, I’m Trans!”

I was stunned when I heard my son say those words. He was only twelve. My heart broke as I knew in my spirit that he was in the clutches of the satanic transgender deception sweeping our country.

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Satan is telling our children that they are NOT as God created them. They believe a lie: God made a mistake and you can re-create yourself by transitioning to the opposite sex. I knew from the start that my son was in rebellion against God the Creator … and rejecting God’s love and divine purpose for him.

Imagine being asked by well-meaning family and friends, “Why can’t you accept that your child simply wants to be his ‘true and authentic’ self?” This was usually followed by, “If you love him, you would accept him.” Or the reverse, “You must not love your child, because you won’t accept him as trans.”

That’s what my son says to me, “You’re a horrible mother because you won’t accept me as your daughter.”

Because I won’t accept the lie about my son’s nature, I am assaulted with lies about my love for my son.

I do love my son. I love him enough to fight for him in the spiritual realm with the armor of God – truth, faith, salvation, Scripture, and our mightiest weapon, prayer. I love my son so much I beg for God’s mercy to bring him to repentance.

My son’s authentic self and true identity is in Christ. This is true for all of us.

My son was raised in a Christian home with church, Sunday School, prayer, and Bible stories as a central part of his life. I was in tears at His confirmation when he publicly declared his acceptance of Jesus as His Savior.

Warning Signs

But none of this protected him from the transgender madness. I missed a lot of signs. My mind just didn’t think that way… back then. I would warn any Christian parent or grandparent that we as Christians are NOT immune from this demonic attack that has spread like wildfire across the world.

Trans activists have many ways to get to our children – government-run schools, social media, peers, TV and movies, and even apostate churches.

They target the highest risk children. Children with ADD. Children on the Autism/Asperger spectrum. Children diagnosed with a mental illness, anxiety, or depression. Adopted children are four times more likely to claim to be transgender.

Trans activists target any young person who is “uncomfortable” about the changes in their body. It’s why pre-teens and teens are such prime targets. What child that age is not uncomfortable in their body? The highest rate of gender confusion happens from age 11 to 14 — just when their bodies are going through major changes.

Social Contagion

In the last five years the number of people identifying as trans has doubled. Little to no psychiatric assessment is required for transgender or gender dysphoria ‘diagnoses.’ Anyone, including a young child, merely has to say “I think I’m trans,” and boom… they’re hustled into gender-affirming care.

As loving parents and grandparents, we must fight against this evil destroying the health, fertility and very lives of children and young adults.

Scientific Truth

Transgenderism rejects scientific truth. After all, God created science. In addition to the truth of Scripture, “God created them male and female,” Bible -believing Christians who oppose transgendering people are on the right side of undeniable science and biology.

The medical profession, the World Health Organization, the CDC, the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and the President, however, are on the wrong side.

How does transitioning in a young person begin?

It begins with social transitioning. This is where a person changes their appearance. Boys grow their hair longer, paint their fingernails, get their ears pierced, start wearing makeup, wear girl’s clothes and tuck their genitals. For girls, it’s the opposite… they stop wearing makeup or jewelry, cut their hair really short, and wear boy’s clothes. They bind their breasts and put a sock in their pants.

They change their name and their pronouns and demand you call them by their new name and preferred pronouns. The name you lovingly gave them is now their “dead name” and you are asked/demanded to practice “pronoun hospitality.”  Trans kids get affirmation from online communities, at school, their teachers and peers.

At this stage, nothing physical has changed in their bodies. But the act of accepting their new appearance, name, and pronouns affirms their belief they are trans and deepens their gender dysphoria. I knew that I would dishonor the Lord to identify my son in any way other than how He created him.

If your child has not gone through puberty, the next medically recommended step is puberty blockers. This is what Dr. Rachel Levine, Biden’s trans Assistant Secretary of Health, calls a “pause” for children who would face the “agony” of going through the “wrong” puberty. Gender “experts” claim puberty blockers are safe and reversible. It just gives children time to explore their gender identity, they say.

That’s a lie.

Puberty Cannot Be Paused without Substantial Harm

Puberty blockers interrupt a child’s normal development. Sexual organs don’t grow and remain small and stunted, even after they stop taking the blockers. Many are left infertile and sexually dysfunctional. A boy’s voice won’t deepen. A girl’s breasts won’t develop. Studies show that blockers can also affect brain development. None of this is reversible.

Next comes cross-sex hormones or what I call, “wrong-sex” hormones. Boys are given estrogen. Changes to their testicles can be irreversible. Health risks to boys include blood clots, diabetes, stroke, even breast cancer.

Girls get testosterone. Their voice deepens. Facial and body hair grows, and the vagina shrinks.  Their risks include heart disease and fatty liver disease.

I’m no doctor, but perhaps going through puberty when their body gets a strong burst of their own natural biological sex hormones can clear up any gender confusion they may have.

Next, comes the most dangerous step – sex reassignment surgery.  Do all that you can to prevent this medical assault, also known as gender reassignment surgery, on your child’s body.

Surgical Mutilation

First is top surgery. Girls as young as 13 have their healthy breasts removed. Boys get fake breast implants.

Next is bottom surgery. If you are sensitive, skip this paragraph. For girls, this means removal of the uterus and ovaries. The urethra is lengthened so they can pee standing up. Next, an imitation penis is created by taking the skin, fat, nerves, arteries from the forearm. This fake penis is not a sexually functioning organ. For boys, it’s removal of the penis and the testicles and the creation of a fake vagina which requires painful dilation up to six times a day forever. That’s because the body considers this vagina a wound and tries to heal it by closing it.

Bottom surgery offers little more than a lifetime of pain and discomfort, incontinence, little to no sexual pleasure, and permanent infertility. A child can’t possibly know the lifetime consequences of what they are doing.  And neither can a mentally ill adult.

It’s frightening the speed that kids can travel on this trans super highway. Parents who wish to slow down the trans process, seek counseling and therapy first, or refuse to give their children drugs, risk charges of child abuse, medical neglect, and in extreme cases their children are taken away from them.

The voices spouting the lies are supposedly learned people, experts, doctors, therapists, and psychiatrists. For instance, the American Psychological Association promotes K-12 transgender treatments, denounces child protection laws, and urges insurance companies to cover these treatments. The American Academy of Pediatrics says transgender care is vital and reduces the risk of suicide. But there’s no statistical support for increased suicides. Research shows that transitioners are 19 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population.

Yet doctors and psychiatrists use the threat of suicide to scare parents into complying… “Would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter?,” they say. Trans activists tell children to play the suicide card, because they can get their blockers and hormones faster and move to the head of the surgical line.

This process from social transitioning to sex reassignment surgery can take less than a year.

The most heartbreaking stories are from teenagers and young adults who changed their minds somewhere along the trans superhighway. They’re called “de-transitioners.” They realize that being trans hasn’t solved their mental and emotional issues.

How Then Should We Pray

IFA has great resources focused on prayers related to this issue. Here I will focus these prayer points for us to intercede for Christian parents like me.

Pray that parents will be the first voice to talk to their children about the transgender lie. It has to start young. Remember they’re going after 2- and 3-year-olds at Drag Queen Story Hour.

Pray that parents will not be deceived that they are loving or kind to support the delusion. This is about saving our children’s lives and their future sexuality and fertility. I think it’s helpful to say things like, “You are as God made you in His image. You will never be a girl if you’re a boy. You will never be a boy if you’re a girl. God doesn’t make mistakes. No matter what anyone else says, you are valued and God loves you.”

Pray that parents will be wise about smart phones. There is a reason tech execs do not get their children smartphones or use sophisticated parental controls.  Tik Tok, YouTube, and Tumblr are the most popular indoctrination sites of trans ideology.

Pray that parents will seek the Lord for the education that is right for their children.  The Department of Education uphold the policy that gender identity is now protected under Title IX. Also, many school districts help kids socially transition behind the backs of their parents, providing them with opposite sex clothes, calling them by their trans name and preferred pronouns. Many school libraries are filled with books promoting the LGBTQ agenda.

Pray that parents will respond with love and kindness and understanding so that if their child or someone they love says, ‘Hey, I’m trans’, they can give a hug and tell them they’re loved by their Heavenly Father. With all the lying voices out there, the body of Christ must be the voice of God’s love and truth.

Pray for parents to a vision of redemption and a firm belief in the fact that God can even use this kind of struggle for our good and His glory. God can work in the middle of our broken lives for His glory.

Pray for parents to believe in Romans 8:28, That all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purposes. I tell people I’m living in the “all things” time. I don’t know how this will work out — but I know I’ll see the good in God’s time.

Pray for parents to go boldly before the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

I trust God that one day my son will be truly trans… transformed by the power of Christ to be a compelling witness of God’s forgiveness, mercy and love. Glory be to God.

Please post in the comments your prayer for parents facing this evil.

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash.

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