
Netanyahu Speaks Clearly and Decisively to Congress – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Members of Congress greeted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with cheers, applause, and a lengthy standing ovation.

This contrasted with the maggots and crickets that the DC Palestinian Youth Movement released at the 5-star Watergate Hotel, where the Prime Minister and his staff stayed in DC.

Netanyahu began with strong words: “This is not a class of civilizations. It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. . . .America and Israel must stand together.”

“I came today to assure you of one thing, we will win.”

Guests included freed hostages and families of hostages. He said that efforts to release the hostage were taking place even as he spoke. He thanked President Biden for his efforts on behalf of the hostages, heartfelt support of Israel and calling Hamas “pure evil,” and for visiting Israel during their “darkest hour.” He commended President Biden for half a century of support for Israel — he said that Biden calls himself a “proud Irish-American Zionist.”

There were also IDF soldiers in attendance. One of them literally ran 8 miles to the frontlines in Gaza to defend Israel on the day of the attack : “These are the soldiers of Israel: unbowed, undaunted, unafraid.” The Prime Minister then quoted the Bible: “they shall rise like lions” (Numbers 23:24).

He quoted the father of a man who died fighting in the IDF: “Because of the birth of Israel, the Jewish people are no longer helpless in the face of our enemies.” He said, “Never again must remain a sacred vow. Never again is now.”

Speaking of the anti-Israel protestors: “Many choose to stand with Hamas . . . rapists and murderers. . . . ” He said that Iran is funding anti-Israel protestors in the U.S. and stated, “When the tyrants of Tehran are praising and promoting you, you have become Iran’s useful idiots.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, held up a sign right at that moment: “War Criminal.”

Netanyahu then explained the biblical history related to the land of Israel and the fact that for 4000 years Israel has been the land of the Jewish people.

“Antisemitism is the world’s oldest hatred,” he said, explaining that antisemitic lies have always been used against the Jewish people and are intended to delegitimize the Jewish state. “Whenever and wherever we see the scourge of antisemitism, we must resolutely condemn it and resolutely fight it.” At which point, Tlaib raised another sign, “Guilty of Genocide.”

Netanyahu said it’s a lie that Israel is blocking food for Gaza — Hamas is stealing it and he assured Congress that IDF does everything to get civilians out of harm’s way but Hamas tries to keep civilians at risk. He quoted a West Point scholar who has studied all of the military conflicts in history and has concluded that Israel has done more to prevent civilian harm than any country in history and does far more than the law requires.

He announced that Israel will always defend itself. He pointed to Iran as behind all the terrorism, chaos, and killing. Khomeini said, “We will export our revolution to the entire world.” Netanyahu said America is the one who stands in the way of Iran achieving this objective and that the Hezbollah Foreign Minister said last month, “The real war is with America.” He explained that they chant, “Death to Israel” before “Death to America” because they want to destroy Israel first.

He told the Congress, “We’re not only protecting ourselves, we’re protecting you. . . . Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. And our victory will be your victory.”

He was gracious to Republicans and Democrats: “Those who attack Israel will pay a very heavy price. As we defend ourselves . . . we know that America has our back–all sides of the aisle.”

He appealed to Congress for support, quoting Winston Churchill who had asked the U.S. in World War II to give the tools to finish the job. He clearly stated the goal is to destroy Hamas’ military capabilities and bring all the hostages home.

He also suggested demilitarization and deradicalization of Gaza, which he said worked for Germany and Japan. He suggested a security alliance to meet the threat of Iran. He thanked President Biden for bringing a coalition of nations together to defend Israel on April 14 and suggested building on the Abraham Accords to develop an Abraham Alliance. He then thanked President Trump for brokering the historic Abraham Accords. He also thanked President Trump for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel.

In closing, Netanyahu reiterated Israel’s support of America and the gratitude of Israel for America.

Photo credit:, CC BY 4.0,

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